Chapter 3

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I entered the building, without looking suspicious, thanks to my executive suit, which didn't reveal neither my age nor my intentions. Thanks to a small collision with a man who passed by I got a visitor pass, enough to take the lift and gain access to the 31st floor, where the office was. But when I was going to hand it over, to go from the hall to the lift I noticed a little difference in the card I was holding, a very small difference that I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't been there before.

The magnetic band had a different thickness, that could activate the security system of the whole buiding. I'm not sure why this man carried a false pass with him, maybe it was a little present from my mysterious observer. But I wasn't going to fall into the first trap that man sent me. As I said before, I knew the shape and characteristics of the pass, from a previous work, that's why that imitation wasn't going to be what ruined my mission. I saw a woman anxiously typing her mobile phone and when I passed next to her I got her pass, this one was authentic, luckily.

I took the lift and I pressed the number 31, getting to the nitty gritty of my plan. Until the bloody lift suddenly stopped going up. The little number 31 stopped shining and I stopped going up. Another issue added to my plan, I was more and more convinced that this mysterious man was behind this. Even so I wasn't going to give up, I opened the metallic hatch, located in the ceiling of that box I was trapped in. And after a little demonstration of my agility coming out of the lift I started the ascent until the 31st floor. When I arrived there, I got out of the tunnel I was climbing I went to the toilets, just in the moment when some uniformed men went to the lift, which now was "out of order".

In the toilets I exchanged my uncomfortable suit for my classic black and comfortable clothes that made my work a lot easier and made me more flexible and imperceptible. I came out of the toilet carefully and I moved to Mark Johnson's office door. He was a huge multinational company's CEO, and that's why his door had a security system, technically unbreakable, with a fingerprint checking that admitted Johnson and some of his workers; and inside the office a motion sensor, that they had to deactivate with their voices. Lucky for me that was an easy part of the plan.  

Just with a thin graphite powder and a piece of cloth I could reproduce one of the fingerprints previously used on the device. One I was inside I used a version of an insulating polymer, opaque and elastic to create a barrier bewteen the sensor and the rest of the room.

In my jobs I like to use techniques as simple as possible to avoid the traps and deactivate security. I don't trust neither technologic devices nor my limited acting skills to accomplish my missions. Besides the alarms, the lasers and the doors nowadays try to block the most sofisticated strategies, so it was easier to avoid them with things as easy as my tools.

The documents, my "loot" were in a security box, supposedly hidden somewhere in the office, which turned out to be behind some binders, completely empty that gave the box away for being disorganised. It was probably Johnson's fault, after he opened it the last time. The box had a 6 digit key, that was, of course, his date of birth. Of course, this kind of people doesn't want to remember a random password, so they normally use dates. They can choose the date of birth of their children or their wife, but after a little research of my target, I found out that Johnson has divorced his last wife (and not succesfully), so the wife's date option is dismissed. And they never had children, so the password had to be his own date.

 I opened the box easily (which pleases me a lot) and I took all the documents I saw. For me there was a pile of papers I didn't care about, that I wouldn't have stolen if it wasn't some kind of a challenge. The fact that is a mission makes me do it, it tempts me. 

Because I like to steal shiny, expensive, valuable objects... Like the ones I saw daily in my stupid beach house. Objects that represent something, or have an important history. These things whose stealing cause commotion in people. I take that as a compliment, it means that the work is well done.

When I was going to close the box I heard steps coming in my direction. Security, their shoes make a very special sound. According to the sound, they were two and they would be in the office in fifteen seconds. I couldn't hide anywhere, it would be easy to find me behind the chair or under the table. So I jumped out the window and I hold onto the edge underneath. It was hard to stand there but I wasn't afraid of falling, I had to stay calmed and not panic, so I did. The security men got into the office, I heard them saying that the security system had been hacked, something curious, because I hadn't hacked anything to get in. Another trap from him, why is he testing me? I didn't know who this man was, but he was wasting time if he thought he could make me fail this mission. Regarding the agents, they left the office, I grabbed my hook to the wall, my pulley to the window and I descend to the floor of an alley, behind the building.

I had the stupid documents, just like I wanted, and after putting on my suit again, I went to that pub in the west of the city when all this started: McRory's.

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