Chapter 5

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Harry p.o.v
It is morning and wolf Draco jumped on me and started licking my face. So I yelled, "get off dog!"
He whimperd. Then he changed into a human and said, "And why would I do that? You taste delicious." Then he kissed me.
I gave in and kissed him back. Then i heard some one yell, "Bloody Hell what do you think your doing!?"
Draco pulled away and glared at Ron. "Kissing my mate. You?" He said.
"Wishing I did not have to share a room with you. Now get off of harry!" He yelled.
"No." Draco said.
I lightly pushed him off then got up. "Um. So Ron. I guess you now know I'm Draco's soul mate. Pleas don't be mad it's not like we could have done anything about it." I said.
"I'm not mad. Just shocked. I mean I wake up to you and ferrite face kissing on your bed. Just pleas don't do that again." Ron said smiling. "So who is the girl in the relationship?" He added.
"Saddly me." I said and looked at Draco who is smiling like a child on christmas.
"Well have fun with that." Ron said. "I smell food..
"Well ill take a shower. Be down in a bit." I said and walked away.
"May I slythren?" Draco asked smirking.
"No." I said back.
After I took a shower and got dressed Draco is still standing in the same place. But now dressed.
"You did not need to wait." I said.
"I know but I wanted to." Draco said as we walked to the kitchen.
"Hey Harry may I talk to you alone." Ginny said.
Draco went inside the kitchen and I said, "sure."
Ginny smiled and said, "i was wandering if you would be my boy freind."
I heard a growl and Draco came in and said, "lay off woman he is mine." And he hugged me to him.
"What. But Harry is not gay." She said.
"Um. Actually I kind of am." I said.
"Well. Your disgusting." Ginny said and walked into the kitchen fuming.
"I'm sorry Harry." Draco said.
"It's okay. I love you." I said.
He smiled and we walked into the kitchen.
"Is what Ginny say true. You and Draco are dating." Hermione asked happly.
"Yes." I said.
She smiled and said, "I'm so happy for you. This is just perfect."
"Yes but what will the griffendore and slythren say about this?" Ginny said.
"I don't care what they say." Draco said sitting down me next to him.
"Draco's the slythren prince I'm sure he can persuade them." I said.
"And you?" Ron said.
"I'll think of somthing." I said.
"Well we will stand by you Harry no matter what." Hermione said happly.
"Thank you hermione." I said as Ginny walked out still mad.
"What's wrong with Ginny any way." Ron asked.
Draco rolled his eyes as I said, "I'll tell you later."
We then ate and went back up stairs so I can tell Ron.

Draco p.o.v

We went upstairs and Ron asked again "Why is Ginny so mad?" Harry instantly responded with "Ginny asked me out this morning and was angry when I told her that Draco is my mate" Ron just stared at Harry then at me. I decided to break the silence by saying "Talk about bad timing," we all laughed and Hermione said "It's such a beautiful day. Why don't we all go on a walk?" Ron looked at her like she was insane and I looked at Harry excitedly. I said "That's a marvelous idea, let's go." Ron walked to his bed, but before he could fall back into the covers Hermione yanked his out the door, down the stairs, and out of the house. He whined for a moment then stopped and started walking.
We started walking but then Ron picked up the pace "Hey Weaselbee! Why are you walking so fast?" He looked at all three of us and said "I want to go home." Suddenly, he slipped and fell on his head. Hermione ran to his side and said "He has a concussion, we have to get him back. Now." Harry and I nodded I grabbed his arms and Harry grabbed his legs.
Hermione saw that Harry was having trouble so she casted a spell that made Ron float in midair, like a dead body. We were almost to the house when, suddenly, a stormed brewed quickly and washed us out. I went over to Harry and gave him my sweater. We took refuge in the woods nearby and waited for the storm to pass.
I was soaking wet and said "Sorry everyone but i am soaking wet and I can't handle it anymore." I started taking my clothes off and Hermione said "DRACO NO!" I continued and then I shifted into my wolf. She grunted then tended to Ron. I ran in the rain a little bit then i came back to where they were drying and shook my entire body. "DRACO STOP!" she pushed me away and I walked over to Harry. I could tell he had something on his mind. I went to my pile of dry clothes and shifted back to human. I put my clothes on and walked over to Harry "What's on your mind?" He just looked off into the distance, staring with a blanked face. I poked him then he freaked out and said "What?...Oh uh nothing." I could tell he didn't want to say it in front of them. It looked like he needed something...or maybe he wanted something. I don't know what he wants exactly, but i knew it had something to do with me. Soon, afterwards, the rain stopped and we went to the house. Mrs. Weasely and Ginny tended to his wounds. As Ginny helped, she looked at me with an evil glare as if she was developing a plan of attack. Harry tugged at my shirt and we went upstairs and I took my shirt off as he was about to speak of what was on his mind.

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