Chapter 20

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Harry's p.o.v.
Stupied Damen always turning up. He is my alternative personality. And I can tell that Draco is getting nervous about it. Though I'm sure he does not know what.
Though a good thing is that I remember what he does. When we got up Draco said, "So Harry why did your personality like change all of the sudden?" 
"I have this alternative personality. His name is Damen and he will take over all of the sudden. Though I remember what he does. Plus he is like so much more sure of himslef and not shy. Plus I think he is stronger than me." I explained.
"I see. Okay. How does he like. Take over?" Draco said.
"I don't know. He just does without warning." I said and shrugged. "Sometimes he will be silent for months before making a reappearance." I added.
Draco nodded and said, "I'm guessing Hermione and Ron know."
"They do." I said finding great interest in my feet.
"And why have you not told me?" Draco asked pushing me up against the wall with both his hands on eather side of my head.
"I. Um. Forgot?" I said more like a question.
"How can you forget about another personality?" He asked.
"Good question. Um. I dont know." I said and shrugged.
"You're lying." He said.
"What makes you think that?" I asked.
"Because you cannot forget about somthing so simple." Draco replied.
You know I wish Damen takes over at these moments when I don't know what to do. But no only in the worse of times.
"Hello there is two personality in there can one of them answer?" Draco said tapping my head.
Then he finally took over.

Damen p.o.v
I smirked at Draco and said, "Oh come on my Dracy poo! There is no need to be mad at me."
"Really Harry?" Draco said, "I don't like you calling me that!" He finished.
"I'm not Harry. I'm Damen." I said smiling.
"Well give Harry control." He said crossing his arms.
"Hm. No. I will not. I have control. And I will keep for as long as I can." I said.
I then grabbed Draco and brought him forward and began kissing him.
"Stop that Harry!" Draco yelled.
"I'm not Harry. I am Damen." I said glaring at Draco.
"I don't care who you are. Let's just go to breakfast." He said obviously done with the conversation.
"You are our mate you should be understanding about this. Why can't you just call me who I am at the time?" I said getting slytly upset.
"I'm sorry it's just. Hard to understand." He said and hugged me.
"It's okay. I love you just as much as Harry." I said and smiled as I hugged him back.
"I love you. To. I guess?" Draco said.
"It's okay. You'll get used to me. Now come on Draco." I said with a wink.
"Oh merlin Damen. You are definitely not harry." He said.

Draco p.o.v

I felt really bad about treating Harry horrible and wanted to apologise, but Damen took over and now I probably won't be able to talk to Harry for awhile.
We sat down at the table. Hermione and Ron were stuffing their faces with the sausage egg biscuits as I grabbed some bacon and sausage links. Harry, or Damen, took an apple and bit into it. "So how did you all sleep?" Said Hermione. Ron gave a thumbs up and Harry, or Damen, said "It was extraordinary!" Hermione and Ron stared at him and I nodded, as if agreeing. "Oh don't worry, Draco knows about me, oh sweet, nervous-making me. Damen." They looked at me and I nodded in affirmation.
They switched their attension back at Damen and he had finished his apple. He got up and walked away, throwing it away. I barely touched my food, "Hey, what's wrong Draco? I thought you loved meat." Hermione said. "Yeah, Harry's meat." Ron said sarcastically. Hermione smacked him and looked at me with concern. Hermione signaled me to go out and talk privately to see how I was really doing. I followed, but before I did I said I left my wand back at our den to Damen.
I followed Hermione down the hallway to a spot that was empty. "Okay, start talking. What's wrong?" Hermione spit out. I looked down at the ground and saw how dirty it was...the cracks in it continually going on and on as the ground went on. "HEY!" Hermione snapped. I snapped out of it. "Oh uh sorry. Last night, Harry was acting strange...he actually made me really nervous when we were making love. He didn't seem like himself. Then this morning, he told me about his other personality. I freaked out and I think I may have triggered Damen to come out. Damen has been out all morning...I really miss Harry. I mean I know he is in there, it's just, Damen is something new that I wasn't even told about until after I had already made love. Apparently, I did it with Damen..." I said.
Hermione looked at me with sympathy. He gave me a hug and said "Just hold on. Harry will be back soon. I can feel it." We backed away from each other and we walked back to the cafeteria. Harry, or Damen was standing staring at me. I walked up to him and hugged him. "Harry, if you can hear me or if you already are listening. I miss you and I'm sorry about this morning. I shouldn't have freaked out like that. I was just freaking out because of what I did with Damen last night. I'm truly sorry." After a moment I let him go and he smiled. "Draco. It's me, Harry!" He said. I smiled and hugged him again. I picked him up then let him down. "Please don't let Damen take over ever again." I said. He sighed and said "I'll try." I gave him one last hug before we went to our classes.

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