Authors Note

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Wow... It's been such a long time since I've written this story... Probably what, 2 or so years? I don't even remember really, since my WattPad is being stupid and saying I've recently updated / posted everything, lol!

Anyways, I've been thankful for this story, it was my first ever that had launched me into the world of literature, which also got me thinking about writing other books to entertain people and stuff.

I'm also thankful for the people who read this book, even though it's pretty horrid as for when I was a newbie at writing -3-

I've been surprised at how everything grew from then on out, but yeah, thanks for making it this far into the book to read my little note few years after this was initially published! :D

Also, don't be surprised if I make a sequel or prequel to this, as I might do one after I finish up the other two stories I have that are currently in the process.

« With love »
* Bella *

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