Hunted by creepypastas: Time to end the fight

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I was ready to kill them.

Jane had a ragged, old knife stuffed in my turquoise hoody. My old hoody had Jeff's knife in it, which the FBI took in to examine all the dried up blood and see if Jeff WAS the killer of all those poor people.

Jane then nodded at me, it was time to walk out and down to the dining room.

I longed to look cute in a dress, but I didn't long to do it for these idiots. I longed to kill, but kill these idiots.

"Let's do this!" I was excited to kill them.

I opened the door, and as cute and polite I can be, I start walking with a strut and hands folded in front of me.

I walked down the stairs, I held the left side of my dress, showing my shining silver slippers.

I was 3 steps away from getting to the actual floor, I stopped and looked to my right, where the dining room was.

The dining room was connected to the huge room with tons of space in it, where the stairs were and where I was standing.

My parents were sitting right at the end of both sides of the table, the end table chair empty, meaning I was maybe the star queen of the whole group.

I remembered to have my wings stay out, since Jane said that the others wanted to see my wings. My parents also are mutants, but both of them have different mutant powers.

My mom has the powers to turn into anything and anyone, also she can climb like a monkey. My dad has the powers of being an Element Bender, and he can project things by making a force field. Thus combining those powers to make me, an angel like mutant that basically has multiple powers.

"Ah, Kido! You look beautiful in that dress! Who picked it out?" Slender was being such an idiot, I swear I would slap upright in the head if he said something like that again!

"Just stay calm Kido. You don't want to kill them straight away." I had to think about my answer for a second before responding.

"Oh uh.... This dress? I picked it out. I thought it would be best to wear something elegant, since I'm one of the stars, right?" I sounded like such an idiot that time.

"You got a good taste in your style, Kido!" That time that was Jeff. He always jumps in at the worst timing.

Even though I thought Jeff sounded like an idiot, I guess he was right. My hair was now short, a bob cut, and I had little hot pink streaks in my hair.

The cast on my right arm, covering my cut that Jeff made, was off. I didn't want it off though, because it showed my cut and the bruising around it, since some of the veins were brutally cut open with my skin. But I had those fancy long, white gloves on, so I didn't have to worry about it showing.

"Come sit, Kido, please. We don't want you to stand there before our little party starts!" Slender insisted that I come to the dining table, so I did.

I took a seat at the head of the table where my parents were sitting. The other head was empty, no one was sitting there.

"Now, we have a very special guest with us today, Mrs.Kido. I'd like you to meet Adam."

Suddenly, I realized who it was when he came in. I knew it was someone I knew when I heard the name Adam.


Adam was my childhood friend, we've known each other ever since we were 3 years old. We've been close to each other and stuck to each other's side, until he heard the news about me moving in two weeks.

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