Hunted by creepypasta's: First camping day

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My dreams were fulfilled with creepypasta's and anime.

It was already 9 AM in the morning, and I was still asleep and late to meet everyone at the forest. My alarm went off, I only woke up still feeling sleepy, so I tried to go back to sleep. But my mom barged into my room and banged a pot with a wooden spoon

Hurt my ears like all hell, so I completely woke up with no remorse and no feelings of sleepiness. Then I realized that I was late to meet up with my friends. I was frantic, rushing my clothes on my body and getting my stuff ready. The two bags I had were a bit heavy, but I would handle weight like this. So I ran down, grabbed a bagel to bring with me, and went outside.

I put one bag in the basket on the back of my BMX bike, kept one on one of the handles, kept the bagel wrapped in a paper towel and in my jacket pocket and rode to the forest entrance.

Everyone was there already, waiting for me. I felt guilty as all hell and didn't want to speak up. But I had to so that everyone would yell at me for being late and making them wait for me.

"KIDO!!!" Midnight was already was yelling at me. "How are you the ONLY one who is late?!"

"I'm sorry!!! I overslept and I didn't know that we had to meet early! So I'm sorry Midnight!" I was too apologetic, even to Midnight, even though I shouldn't really be that apologetic because I'm the leader of the gang.

After the apologies, we went into the forest, walking the trail to the camp sight. We all had some kind of transportation with us- skateboards, bikes, and roller skates. Once we got to the camp site, we set up our tents and had lunch, since it took an hour to get to, also I took an hour to get to the entrance of the forest.

I wasn't in the mood to eat until two minutes into our meal. I rarely ever ate so fast up until now, since I didn't have breakfast. Everyone laughed because of my action, after I ate the last piece I too laughed because I thought it was funny too.

After our lunch was finished, we were bored. We really didn't have anything to do, but I thought of something right away.

"What about we play some fun school games? Like park bench!" Everyone agreed with what I said, and so we started to play.

We played Park Bench, Hitch Hiker, and two other fun school games. After we finished six rounds of each game, we were now tired. It was already 8PM when we stopped. I couldn't think straight when I started to hear rustling in the bushes.

I looked around at everyone, we were all here, sitting around the camp fire eating our dinner. I knew it, obviously, wasn't a prank. I also knew that an animal or more wasn't coming our way or was trying to get to us.

I ignored the rustling quickly, and finished my dinner. No one else had heard the rustling, which was a bit weird because we weren't talking at all, the others might've been day dreaming or they might've had been listening to music before we started talking again.

"So, wanna just go to sleep? It's late and dark out..." Midnight was nervous and afraid of the dark, we all knew this ever since we met each other in school 3 months ago. She hates the dark because she thinks something will attack her.

We all agreed, and went into our tents to go bed. After 5 to 10 minutes in when we were talking to each other through our tents, we all fell asleep.

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