Hunted by creepypastas: The fight part 2

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I soon woke up, grunting and squirming. But I realized that I was in a chair, with my hands tied behind me and my legs tied onto the chair.

It felt like I was in the mansion, because it was warmer. I saw dim lights through the little bag that's on my head, like candle light.

The bag was soon lifted off my head by the mischievous Jeff. I saw my other friends, they too were tied up in chairs.

I couldn't help but frown, and almost cry at the fact that we were kidnapped by these psychopathic killers.

I noticed that more creepypasta's came into this big room, illuminated by the candles. One by one, each of them came in.

Smile Dog, Ben Drowned, Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, The Rake, Pokemon from Pokemon Blood Edition, Moth Man, and the frowning Jane The Killer. Looked like Janes hands were handcuffed, but the handcuffs were rusty so she can break out easily.

My eyes swelled up with tears, easily crying, sniffling and holding my screams back.

"Aww... Sweetie don't cry. It's ok, everything's going to be fine!" Jane said this sweetly that it made me cry even more.

Jane put a hand on my left cheek, slowly wiping off the tears as they fall down. I felt so comfortable around Jane, I knew how she felt, being treated this way.

"Stay away from her!!" Jeff screamed on the top of his lungs, cuts moving as he screamed.

His hand swung fast at Janes face, hitting her hard as she almost flew back to the side of the room she was at before comforting me.

"Jane!" I screamed, seeing her be hit, and seeing that she got a bloody nose from the hit.

"Take Jane out of this room! Keep her away from the door and keep her from breaking free!" Slender demanded at last, sounding like he knew this was going to happen.

Hoodie and Masky dragged her out of the room, she squirmed as they dragged her out of the room, Masky closing the door behind them.

I wanted to see Jane again, she comforted me a lot, knowing she was the only good one and knowing she'll help me and my friends escape.

The bags on my friends heads were then removed. I saw that they were all bloodied and battered, I knew they beat them until they pleaded to stop and promised to stop trying to running.

They were all awake, but they were barely conscious when they were woken by L.J.

Jeff then stuffed towels, knotted, in our mouths and tied them in the back to keep us from screaming out for help. But I was the only one without that.

They wanted me to talk, that's for sure. They wanted to play games, torture me, and have fun with me until I couldn't take it any longer. I couldn't let that happen at all, I was a tough cookie, that's what what my mom would say.

I stopped crying after I was telling myself, in my mind, that I was a tough cookie. Because I was, it's only a matter of time that I cry, since it's pretty rare that I cry.

"So, Kido, can you tell me why you and your friends were camping in our territory?" Slender was the leader of his group, and the lead in asking questions, according to him.

"We were camping because we wanted to have fun. We always have fun, and we wanted to go out on an adventure. But we didn't know it was territory."

I said that so calmly that it seemed like it gave Slender a push of anger, since he grunted at my answer. The others grunted, and my friends were already passed out from the lack of sleep.

I wanted to anger Slender more, I then gave a half smile. "Ask me another question, Slender. I can answer these questions all day as if I was in an interrogation room."

"Alright then. Why'd you fight your way out of 3 of my Proxies hold?" He was being angered easily, I could tell by his voice.

"Let's say that I'm just strong. I can easily fight someone, even a pair of 3, if they're not strong or if they're just not putting enough effort into it."

"Why did you and your other friends not run after the first captures?"

"Because we still wanted to have fun. We tried to hold back and not run because we still wanted to have an adventure."

Slender was pushed to the limit. He cursed me and my friends out. My friends were fully awake after their 10 minute nap.

I closed my eyes for a bit, I forgot something. I was a mutant, but a good mutant.

These psychopaths aren't mutants, they're just people that turned into abortions.

Laughing Jack was just a normal clown that originated from a Jack In The Box, supposably to entertain a child before the kid went to boarding school, and left him at his house.

Jeff is just a regular human, who finally snapped after he got burned bleach white, he burnt his eyelids off to see his smile forever and cut a smile into his face.

Ticci Toby, just a normal human being with a very bad twitch. He was bullied in his school for that twitch, so then he turned himself in to Slender and became his proxy.

I can't remember the rest of the back stories for the others, but I know that Jane was supposably burnt bleach white like Jeff, BY Jeff, and he tried making her prettier but failed to do so.

I couldn't help but open my eyes after 2 minutes of remembering. I saw that 3 of my friends were standing up. Lillian, Bobby, and Midnight were standing up, heads down to the floor.

"Guys, what are you doing?" I had to ask. I then noticed the belts strapped around their bodies, full of knifes, swords and crossbows and arrows.

They looked up at me, Danny, Star and Shintaro. Me and the others then noticed that they were now Proxies of Slender's.

I had a sharp pain in my body, I knew it was my mutant powers/abilities coming back. I had shots with me, I took the shots so that no one else would figure out that I'm a mutant. No one knew except my parents, because they too were mutants.

"I'm sorry that I lied to you guys about why I was taking those shots." I looked over to Danny, Star and Shintaro. They looked confused on why I was saying this.

I lied to them about why I took those shots. They were to prevent my mutant abilities from coming back, not to prevent me dying of a bad immune system because I ate too much in the past.

Then the pain went away in 3 minutes. I then broke out of those ropes that tied me onto the chair with my super strength.

Danny, Star and Shintaro then realized I was a mutant, but didn't have a mean look and curse me out because I was.

I looked back at them, they were shocked but with smiles on their faces, they always wanted to see and meet a mutant.

"Well, you always wanted to see and meet a mutant. You always knew a mutant." Meaning that they always knew me while I was a mutant. "Still, I'm sorry that I lied to you about the usage of my shots."

I then turned around, I saw Jane. She broke out of those rusty handcuffs, and had Hoodie and Masky tied up to a pole in the room, next to each other.

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