Hunted by creepypastas: The fight continues

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My wings then popped out of my back, they were big. My friends were surprised that I had wings like this.

"Surprise!" My voice was really deep that time. I then took two steps forward, and the other creepypasta's ran out, except for Laughing Jack and Jeff.

Jane stepped to the side, knowing she had nothing to do with the fight by that time. "You can do it, Kido, I know you can."

"If I need your help, I'll call you into the fight, Jane." I knew she would help me, since she's the ONLY nice person I know from the CREEPYPASTA community. "But first, get the others untied and out of here. I don't want them to get hurt while in here, or else I'll be held accountable for the scratches and bruises on them."

Jane did so just on time, ten minutes was enough time for her to get them untied and out of the house. She came back swiftly.

After Jane came back in, Laughing Jack made the first move. He swung at me with his big black, wolf claws while he smiled, showing his white and stained sharp teeth.

I dodged quickly, turning my pure white wings into pure steel wings, that were hard enough to knock someone else.

My wings then hit L.J and he was knocked out, his head hitting a bookshelf knocking him out. I then tied him up with the other two.

I went back to my starting spot. Having my wings turn back to normal before coming back, and having the last two be disgusted at how fast I can take someone out.

Jeff took a swing with his knife, only having me grab his hand. But his other hand grabbed the knife and stabbed me with it.

I let go, tumbling backwards with the knife still tucked into my now bleeding wrist. I was bleeding bad, having now taken out the knife and tucking it into my hoodie.

Jeff didn't know I had done so while he was licking my blood off of his hand. I then took a pinch of sleeping powder, walked up to him, and blew it in his face.

Jeff then collapsed, hitting the floor in a second. I tied him up with the others, with my wrist still bleeding.

I cringed, bitterly groaning in pain. "I think Jeff may have hit a vital. Two vain's or so...." I had to notify myself this, also Jane.

But I knew Jane has nothing to do with medic stuff, and knew nothing about how to do all that doctor and surgeon stuff.

So, I got back up, dizzy as can be. With a bit of a blur in my vision, but I could see clearly.

I got up and went back to my starting point again. Slender was the only one I needed to defeat, and then him and the others are held in custody and sent to jail for good.

I had a needle in my pocket, capped. I took it out, then I realized that it was the shot that prevents teleportation for eternity.

"Hey Slendy, I got a present for ya!" I threw the needle filled with that liquid.

"What is this?" He caught the needle, looking at it like it was a treasure he discovered.

"It's a needle. The liquid in it, it gives you pure strength." I was lying, I had to lie so I can beat the crap out of him.

"Really?! Thank you!" He then took the cap off of the prevention, then injected it into his arm.

He then threw the empty needle on the floor, having it break. He started coughing, I knew it was working.

"What was that?!?!" He started yelling at me, knowing I had lied to him. "That wasn't a strength shot, was it?!" He was holding his stomach.

"That was prevention shot, I made it to prevent teleportation for eternity. And you fell for it, thinking it was a strength shot!" I chuckled, moving only three feet towards him.

I had many pockets on my pants. One being the longest on the right leg. I opened the flap, taking out a Japanese fan.

I opened it, the inside was dyed red.

"Let my words... Set forth karma!" I then said, pointing the fan at Slender opened all the way.

Colorful smoke started to build up at the tip of my fan, curling up into a ball. Then it shot out at Slender, taking him out in an instant.

I tied him up with the others, then I knocked out the other creepypasta's that were hiding in the lobby.

I tied them up in the lobby, I then called the police. I knew I had to check on my three friends that were under Slender's spell.

They were knocked out, I shook them awake. They were still under his spell, so I had left them alone, I knew there wasn't anything to do to get them out of his spell.

So then I ran to Jane.

"Call 911, go outside and get the police and ambulance here quickl-" I then grunted and partly screamed at the pain I was in.

There was dry blood on my hands and arm, my wrist was still bleeding, covering the dry blood and re-coating the dry blood.

I had a big head ache, I lost a lot of blood, and I was starting to shake like crazy. My vision was partly blurry, I needed an ambulance fast.

"Now, Jane! NOW!!!" I had to scream, she understood right away, went outside like I said and was calling 911 while doing so.

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