Prelude Introducing

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Disclaimer: KHR does not belong to me, just the plot of this fanfiction. Don't own the pictures either. Also, yes this is my fanfic from FFN for those readers that know. And yes, I have not forgotten about the fact that I did post this story on FFN and deleted the original on there. Don't ruffle your feathers at me alright.

Anyway, enjoy the story!


Fourteen-year-old Sawada Tsunayoshi had always thought himself as unlucky. Why do you ask? Well, just by looking at him many considered him weak, appearance average, and a failure in every subject and sports brought about his nickname: Dame-Tsuna.

That all changed when Reborn, a baby in a tailored suit, fedora, and shape-shifting chameleon, appeared at the Sawada's doorsteps to become Tsuna's home tutor. Within the first twenty-four hours, Tsuna confessed his love to his crush, challenged a Kendo captain for her love, winning and gaining some popularity amongst his schoolmates, did he finally hear the reason for the baby's arrival... to train him in becoming the boss of the largest and most influential Famiglia of the underworld, the Vongola.

Time went by, with the many denials, misadventures, and dangers he faced, Tsuna realizes he felt lucky. Within a short period of time, he gained friends and allies that he could trust and spend time with (for the most part). Even though he hates the tor- 'training' his tutor had put him through he still has the memorial moments with them. In fact, he couldn't think of the present without them.

His friends and allies he has gathered, ranging from the dangerous, popular, and unfortunate of people, slowly attracting the attention of the whole underworld. The charisma that he emitted toppled the strong and made those that seem fearful become timid people. His kind nature, warm smile, and determination in protecting those that he cherishes are returned by his friends and allies, vowing into protecting him.

Ten years later, Tsuna will become the most powerful and well-respected boss among all the Vongola predecessors. He will build an underground base in Japan; plan escape routes and---

"STOP, STOP, STOP!" yelled an angry brunette, with gravity defying hair, bursting into the room directing glaring-daggers at the baby with a green microphone in his hand facing towards a camcorder. "What are you doing Reborn!?"

The said hitman looked up from under his fedora with a glint in his eyes. "Introducing you, of course, Dame-Tsuna."

An intensity of the glare increased in annoyance. "WHY ARE YOU INTRODUCING ME!?... AND TO WHOM!?"

"To the new recruits that come in the future when you become Boss of the Vongola Family," Reborn said with a smirk. "They would want to know who you are. This can also double as a history lesson for future Vongola bosses."

"Again: Why me!?" he yelled and once again started denying. "And I already told you: I AM NOT GOING TO BE A MAFIA BOSS!"

"There's no way you can deny it now since everyone has seen your progress in the future. That's especially including your Guardians," the hitman pointed out holding his transformed gun-green-chameleon at the horrified brunette, pulling the safety off. "So there is no escaping your fate," he added as he started shooting.

"D-DON'T I HAVE A SAY IN THIS?!" Tsuna said frantically avoiding one bullet after another.

"No," Reborn said in his 'I-win-regardless' voice stopping his trigger happy moment to point at the clock. "So stop complaining and get going, otherwise you'll be late."

Tsuna confusedly looked up, relieved that the Sun Arcobaleno had stopped, only to stare wide-eyed at the ticking clock. "It's eight already! Dammit, thanks a lot Reborn, now I have to run to get there!" he said frantically raiding his room for his bag, socks, and (which makes Reborn proud) mittens with pills before running out of the room, falling miserably down the stairs, and scrabbling out of the house within a minute.

Reborn watched as his student stop at the front gate, apologizing to the two of his friends waiting for him. A smirk widened on the infants face as Tsuna, out of habit, tucked the mittens and pills into his pants pocket, before they started running down the street to school.

However, his enjoyment is short-lived as a dark presence within one of the trees appeared then diminish without a single sway on which direction it was going. Rarely did Reborn meet someone with that sort of skill; and to find one so close, especially near a confidentially kept whereabouts of the successor (only known to Timoteo and those he trusts), meant trouble.

Wasting no time, he parachuted down from the second story window, into the transformed Leon-car, and drove towards the school, ignoring the pedestrians looking astonishingly at the speeding baby-car.


"What should I do now?" a female figure said into the Bluetooth, carefully repressing her presence back to the maximum, as she followed the receding form of the Sun Arcobaleno.

"Watch after them," a male's voice crackled within the fizzling white-noise. "Since 'that day' is coming near, I'm sure 'they' will be coming after him soon... I've heard that they somehow retrieved 'that mans' body from within the abyss... To be safe, it is for the best that Reborn stays close to him as much as possible."

"Yes sir..." she said as the fizzling stopped. Pulling up the binoculars up, she watched as the trio of friends huffed at the entrance of the school before the brunette dropped to the ground as the ebony-haired boy swung something overhead only to hit the gate. A small but sad smile tugged at her lips. "Finally, it has begun..."


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