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After two weeks of staring at a blank document, deleting, rereading, and complaining that this chapter I needed to break something. Unfortunately, I had nothing nearby to break, so I just screamed into a pillow. So For those that say that they liked the original, sorry... Just know this. I have spent hours in unrest just trying to think of a way to bring suspense into this chapter. I think I succeeded, but I will leave it in your hands.

So with further ado, I give you chapter 4!

See you in the next chapter! Ciao, ciao!


"Oi, wake up, Dame-Tsuna."

"Hmm~... No way, Reborn~.... Let me sleep a little longer," moaned the teen as he hugged the blankets around him tightly expecting the sheets to be blown off by the Sun Arcobaleno, or worse... Such as the fabric/hair eating acid.... Wait that would be a bad thing...

Two minutes have passed with nothing happening; just occupied by the silence surrounding him. At first, he was yipping in happiness that, finally, Reborn was starting to listen to him. However, instead of going back into his dream world, anticipation grew with each growing second. His fogging mind became more aware of the surrounding noises and movement around him. Mentally cursing for spending too much time with an unpredictable hitman, two choices were battling out: first, was either face the horror of ignoring the infant tutor for this long. His second choice is to keep sleeping and then face the nightmare-from-hell for ignoring the baby tutor.

Of course, the primary won by a large margin (the other option held the cons of suffering more than mental scarring) so cautiously he slowly withdrew the blankets with his eyes closed (hey, the hitman could be scheming to give him a heart attack).

Carefully he cracked one eye open... Only to stare straight at the Vongola crest. The shock of seeing the Famiglia crest sent him shooting upright in bed to look at his surroundings. He was apparently in an extra-large King sized bed canopy, which could fit the rest of his Family, draped in orange and golden embroidery. Orange walls weren't bright enough to kill his eyes, but it was sufficient to enhance the shine on the golden-frame paintings hung around the room. Even the designs on the carpeting seemed to have the same effect against the color. The wooden furniture showed the well-polished and smooth texture embossing the flowing carvings. Though a crystal-light chandler hung from the ceiling, most of the light source was coming from the ceiling-to-floor window closing off the balcony as the curtains were held back by golden-roped tassels on both sides. His stomach twisted uncomfortably seeing the unfamiliar scenery out of the window as the hyperventilation in his lungs were now going two times the speed it was before he woke up.

Luckily he didn't scream when he face-planted into the bedding fabric thanks to a hard kick from behind. It was, after all, a familiar greeting from that one person.

"Good to see you finally decided to wake up, Dame-Tsuna," Reborn said landing a few inches away from his student's head. "Any longer and I would have resorted to other methods."

Tsuna sat up, shivering at the thought, but quickly pushed the protest away for a better question, "WHERE DID YOU KIDNAP ME TO THIS TIME, REBORN!?" he yelled at the infant only to receive a kick in the face.

"You must be becoming an old-timer at an early age," Reborn commented plainly sitting down onto the mattress. "If you're going senile, I'll train your brain till it becomes close to those of prodigies. So I better hear you chronologically put the events in order yourself," he commanded pointing Leon, the shape-shifting chameleon, transforming into the nightmarish green gun, aiming it directly at the brunette's heart.

"Wait, wait, I get it so don't shoot!" the young boss said waving his hand up in front of him in a frantic surrender. Taking a deep breath to calm back down, which was hard considering he's facing a gun at point-blank; he tries to place his memories in order.

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