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~*~*~*~ 2am ~*~*~*~

"Reborn-dono, dost thou need me for something?" Basil asked arriving at the steps of the Namimori Shrine. An unusual meeting in the middle of the night... especially with an Arcobaleno... it meant trouble and he was worried about what was so urgent that Reborn had decided to call him instead of Iemitsu, who was in Italy at the moment.

Reborn turned at the young boy with wise eyes, "Quick in reporting in when called. A good quality into becoming an Advisor," he compliments receiving a slight blush from the boy. However, it quickly changed to seriousness when the hitman continued, "I need you to investigate any suspicious movements within Namimori and the rivaling Famiglia's; starting with the murder in the park earlier this evening."

Basil narrowed at the information, only passing the park before coming here.

It was swarming with Investigators so he was curious and watched with the other onlookers there. Instantly he had noticed there was little blood considering the body was sliced in half cleanly as the forensics team moved it. But it was the fact that he recognized the tattoo on man's left ear that made him surprised. It came from an S-class member of one of the rivaling Famiglia's. To find him dead with what seemed no struggle and precision... Whoever had done it was dangerous and a delicate matter; considering it was close by to the successor to the Vongola.

"Dost thou think whoever did this will come after Sawada-dono?"

"Not sure, but I don't like it one bit," the hitman said pulling his fedora closer to his eyes, "Just investigate with caution and report back. Tell Iemitsu to be ready for us at any time."

"Understood!" Basil saluted leaving the infant at where he was.

Reborn waited until the teen left before pulling out his small hand from his pocket. In the center of his palm was a small tracker, short-circuited by yours truly, and picked off of his student after he fell into the ditch. With another frown, the hitman clenched it looking up at the glaring half-moon.

"It seems that we need to be careful, Tsuna."

~*~*~*~ At school (lunchtime) ~*~*~*~

'Who and why would anyone want to spy on me?' Tsuna thought annoyingly as he looked out of the classroom window. Ever since yesterday, he could feel the continuous presence of someone watching him. He wanted to consult it with Reborn yesterday after he got home, even this morning, but the infant was nowhere in sight. So he just hoped it was his imagination, but considering how accurate his hyper-intuition is lately, it was less likely.

The thought of someone breaking into his house and try to kill him in his sleep had left him unrest with nightmares, resulted in him to have dark circles under his eyes. Also, the repeating message in his head, telling him to stay close to his friends at all times otherwise something would happen, left him on the edge of his chair since this morning.

Hayato and Takeshi sat on the desks next to him, eating their lunches, as they exchanged glances after seeing another yawn escape from the brunette. It wasn't unusual to find him asleep during classes, but today was different. Despite being tired Tsuna was alert and jumped at any movement within the trees or classroom. Then, there's the insistence on staying inside for lunch. Of course, they agreed without another word. Ryohei and his sister had early-leave, and Hana was not going to spend with a bunch of monkeys as she called them; so the only ones present were the two.

"You alright, Jyuudaime?" Hayato asked as Tsuna yawned again before he could put another helping into his mouth.

"Hmm~ oh! Yeah, I'm alright," Tsuna smiled covering the tiredness quickly with his usual smiles, "Just had a long night that's all." Hayato only frowned at the response.

"You're not kidding us, Tsuna. So spill," Takeshi said surprisingly not in his cheerful mood, "You haven't been yourself since yesterday."

The brunette looked at them then sighed in defeat, "I feel like someone's watching me again."

"Do you think that it's one of the rivaling Famiglia's?" the bomber asked scooting closer to block the view of the brunette from the window.

"I don't know," he sighed putting down his chopsticks, giving up eating, to lay his head on the desk, "The feeling had disappeared after we got to my house yesterday. But it came back and has been giving me bad vibes ever since this morning."

"Or maybe you are just waiting for the kid to appear out of nowhere like he did yesterday," Takeshi laughed, returning to his usual demeanor, remembering Reborn hadn't ambushed them for any training sessions after the game in the future.

"I don't think so," the other two said together, sweat-dropping at the usual unawareness of the baseball ace. Thus started another quarrel, which was one-sided as always. Takeshi just smiling away and Hayato yelling at him take everything seriously.

"Anyways!" Tsuna intervened before any explosions could start, and regaining their attention to him, "More than one person is watching me; that I am certain."

He looked at the two noting the silence and winced at their seriously worried expressions. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything at all about his problems. Saying not to worry about it won't change the fact they will.

"Tsuna, I don't think you should go home by yourself today," Takeshi said first making Hayato stop from saying the same thing.

"I wanted to say that Baseball-idiot!" growled the bomber before turning to his boss, "Jyuudaime, you have to wait for one of us to take you home." A slight hint of annoyance could be heard from his voice when he had to admit that someone had to watch Tsuna.

The young boss looked at them in confusion, "Wait?"

Realization struck him. Today was a Wednesday, meaning that both of them had an important assignment to do. If he remembers correctly: Hayato has to help some annoying pleaders from the Science Club and Takeshi was stuck with practice for the upcoming baseball game. Kyoko and Ryohei were out of the question since they left school for today. He couldn't ask Hana, very weird idea, or Haru since they live in a completely different direction from him. Even Reborn wasn't here.

Tsuna smiled at the two, "It's alright you two. I can-"

"NO!" he jumped back when he was cut off by their declaration. Giving up, he nodded, not wanting to fight with them because of their determination. Another sigh left his lips when the bell rang getting the two to their desks.

'Sometimes, I wish they weren't so overprotective...'

~*~*~*~ After School ~*~*~*~

As promised, Tsuna sat in the classroom alone trying to at least finish part of his homework. But, of course, he couldn't understand it at all. The protective hens had already left for 30 minutes to their activities along with all the other classmates. So here he was, in an empty classroom with nothing to do, besides the homework.

Again another sigh as he looked at the clock.

'2:50 meaning an hour and 30 minutes left,' he thought, closing his eyes wondering if he should just go to sleep e catch up on his loss of sleep. After 10 minutes of restlessly closing his eyes and laying on the wooden surface, he gave up. Looking out at the window to skim the trees he couldn't feel the presence of anyone spying on him he finally got up making his decision, 'I can't stay here any longer otherwise Reborn will try to booby-trap my room again.'

Grabbing his bag, leaving a note on his desk just in case they come looking in, he left the room and down the stairs to the grounds of the school. Before he continued thru the gate he took one more glance at the school. He could hear students cheering in the background after a sound of cracking of the ball hitting the bat; the distant calls of the track team and tennis team running with their regular chanting "1, 2".

He didn't know why, but for some reason, he felt worried. It was like he wasn't going to see the school in a long time. Shaking his head from the foreboding, he turned his back and started heading down the familiar route towards his house.

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