Nightmare Fits

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Tsuna jumped out of bed with a start of his mother's call from downstairs; (un)luckily before a certain Acrobaleno could hit him over the head with the Leon-sledgehammer. Feeling triumphant at avoiding the hit was short lived as the infant hitman starting shooting at him enough to singe his skin with a poor excuse of him being late for school.

Quick at dodging the bullets, he ran down the stairs while putting on his school uniform resulting him to fall beautifully face-first onto the flooring below, then scrambling into the bathroom to wash up before another round of metal could rain down on him.

The familiar scene of the many tenants around the activity-filled table at breakfast was a welcoming sight; so much different from before when it is just him and his mother. Lambo, I-Pin, and Fuuta were playing a game of rock-paper-scissors with the winner getting a slice of chocolate chip pancakes located between the three of them (Lambo losing with only two, I-pin has four, and Fuuta having five).

Bianchi was, unfortunately, next to Nana, making her poison-cooking. Tsuna's stomach churned in realizing that most of the food on the table looked normal meaning that the new skill that Bianchi had learned during the summer, which revealed at the Taka-sushi, was being put to good use.

A good thirty-second into staring at the food with no progress on identifying which was Bianchi's; another emergency siren of his intuition made him choose the toast. Grabbing his bento from his mother's hand, and out of the door just in time for Lambo's frustration reliever of throwing a random grenade and Reborn kicking the child towards him (along with the half dozen pink packages). Another lucky star on his 'luck or sucker of the day' list since he didn't get caught in the blast.

As he was running to school, he met up with Hayato and Takeshi, and a greeting that usually ends up in a one-sided conflict. Then came the usual routine of running late to class, bitten to death by Hibari, getting more homework, failed tests, injuries (due to his... extreme friends), and ending the day with him running home as 'Reborn's training session' of the day.

But as he ran from the giant green bolder rolling after him, he crossed the bridge that was heading to his neighborhood only for the scenery to change to unfamiliar territory.

"What happened? Where am I?"

Tsuna looked around what appears like a chapel, frantically trying to understand what had happened and unsure of how he got there or why. The columns encircled him as rainbow colored lights bounced around the room, sourcing from the mosaic colored glass lit up from the walls. Fright soon replaced to almost amazement as he gazed at each panel, each holding a story of sorts. As his eyes wandered, he caught a glimpse of a full body mirror sitting on a platform, across from the entrance that was now facing behind him. Noticing something strange in the reflection, he walked closer... Only to gape in disbelief.

"This has got to be a dream..."

Yes, there was the similar gravity-defying hair, but instead of the usual warm brown was a golden blond. Chocolate brown eyes didn't appear shocked in the reflection, only observing sapphire blue. His casual clothing that he thought he was wearing was now a formal suit and familiar mantel.

In front of him is Vongola's Founder...

This person is...


Before he could absorb what he was seeing, pain radiated from his chest down to his whole body. In the mirror he saw a tip of a sword jutting out of his chest, seeping the white shirt crimson as the dripping blood from the tip fell onto the fast collecting red pool at his feet. An auto reaction cough immediately came to play as something foreign invaded his lungs, tasting the metallic liquid that came up with it.

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