"Harry I'm really grateful You let me stay over, but I must go home. I have to check up on my cat" I explained when the clock struck 10 a.m. Harry didn't really look happy about the fact I was leaving, but Luna has been alone for far to long. Who knows if she's alright.
"Will I ever see you again Ella?" He asked with his arms crossed on his chest. His eyes were saying 'please stay', his face on the other hand 'I don't really care'.
"I-don't know. I really don't." I just said. He nodded his head. There was a long silence, before I decided to break it."Take care Harry." I added and gave him a tight, warming hug. He hugged me back, burying his face in my neck. "And keep saving ladies from weirdos" I chuckled and so did he.
"Thank you for keeping my secret." Harry said before he let go of me.
"It's nothing. Hey umm...I've been thinking..."
"Maybe you could type in your number?" I handed him my phone. I wanted to have something to remember those two days. Harry took it from me, and did as I said. When he was done, he gave me his. And so that we switched numbers.
After I walked out and Harry finally closed his door I let out a huge breath, I didn't even realise I was holding in my lungs. It was so hard to define him. Sweet and gentle? Or aggressive and sinister? He was just jumping from one emotion to another. My deep thoughts didn't let me realise I nearly walked into a busy street. Only when I heard a car horn it caught up with my brain and I quickly stepped away from the road line. I decided it wasn't a good idea to walk so I caught a taxi to take me home.
When I stepped through the door to my apartment I felt relieved. Finally in my own house. Luna quickly got my leg, and started purring like a 'mad cat'.
"Hey you" I said and scratched behind her black ear. I walked into the kitchen and found her food. "Liver and carrots, with special seasoning" I read out loud, making disgusted faces. First of all eww, because liver, and second of all eww because this cat food looked like poo. "How can you possibly like that Luna" I asked my cat. Luna just meowed in reply. "Ok. Your meal, your rules. Here you go" I poured the content into a bawl and watched my cat eat it as if it was the best thing in the world. After a little while, I decided to go take a shower. And that's exactly what I did. It felt nice and refreshing. Hot water running down my body, taking away all my negative thoughts and emotions. For some reason I couldn't escape from the mental image of Harry. I couldn't forget his calming voice when I broke my arm and he was trying to sooth me down. My hand still hurt like a proper bitch, but I'll have to live it out.
There was also one thing I didn't know about Harry and it made me want to know it even more. What is he doing for a living? What kind of job requires to hang around with someone crazy enough to order you to kill a child in an exchange of your sister who's kept hostage? What kind of job requires to do something that would left you with deep injuries and permanent scars on your body.
Who are you Harry?
When i finished my shower i came back to my spacious living room. I picked up my phone and saw one unread message.
If you're not sure we'll ever meet again, I'll make it easier for you. Tomorrow, Piccadilly Circus, 7 p.m.

Dark side of light
Fanfic'Ple-please...dd-don't hurt me' I whispered weakly, but got no response. The last thing I remember was seeing a pair of dark eyes staring down at me sternly. Than I lost the battle with my exhausted body and slipped of the state of consciousness.