"How about I take you home?" Harry asked when we pulled away. I nodded my head and he led me to his car which was parked at the very end of the park. His car was so different from all the others. It was...
"Did you steal this car from the set of Supernatural?" I lifted my eyebrow and giggled when we stopped in front of the black Chevrolet Impala. Harry rolled his eyes.
"Of course I didn't. It actually belonged to my grandpa."
"It's so beautiful" I stated, while gently moving my fingers along the black hood. "Who would have wanted a brand new Audi or a BMW when you can have this beauty."
"You're actually the first person to say that." Harry pointed out. "All my friends are amazed with the fact that I still keep this old junk"
"They have better watched who the call an old junk" I pretended to be offended. Harry just smiled and opened the car. I slid in and immediately smelled... Harry. The faint scent of oranges and peppermint.
"I Like your smell" I confessed. Words left my mouth before I could stop them. My cheeks immediately turned red and I hid my face in my long, brown hair. Harry put one long strand behind my ear to look at me.
"Why? How do I smell?" He asked and smiled lightly. I looked into his eyes. Peaceful green shade was the only thing visible in them.
"Sorry?" He asked puzzled.
"You smell like oranges. And fresh peppermint"
"So I'm guessing its good than"
After our little talk Harry started the car and we sped of to my apartment.
Oooonly to be stuck in a long line of traffic seconds later.
"Perfect" Harry mumbled.
"Don't you just love London for its empty streets?" I asked with sarcasm.
Harry scoffed and put his head on the steering wheel, his head making the car horn, horn. I burst out laughing and Harry smacked his hand on his forehead. "It's not funny" he barked.
"It kind of is" I answered, while trying to stifle my giggles. Harry shot me a glare, but the corners of his lips moved up, forming an unwanted smile.
After about 10 minutes we finally moved forward. Yea. Maybe a mile ahead so it wasn't much of an achievement. I looked down at my watch. It was 14.30. Rush hours are on, and we are stuck in the middle of this gigantic traffic. Suddenly it started raining.
"For fucks sake what else is going to go wrong?!" Harry exclaimed loudly and than sighed in frustration.
"Hey it's just a little rain" I tried to relax him, so I covered his hand with mine. His whole arm flexed under my touch and I felt him relax. "Little rain never killed nobody" I said and kissed his cheek. He seemed to relax completely after that little gesture.
"How do you do it?" he asked and turned his head to look at me again.
"Do what?" I asked, confused.
"How do you manage to control my anger? I certainly can't do that. It just overpowers me. It's always there at the back of my head. Awaiting to be released. And you just walk into my life and manage to hold this inner monster down. I don't feel the urge to punch someone when I'm with you and that's such a relief you have no idea. You calm me down just by siting next to me." I sat next to him utterly taken aback. It was quite a confession, but my heart warmed up at that. I was happy that I could help him manage his mood swings and outbursts.

Dark side of light
Fanfiction'Ple-please...dd-don't hurt me' I whispered weakly, but got no response. The last thing I remember was seeing a pair of dark eyes staring down at me sternly. Than I lost the battle with my exhausted body and slipped of the state of consciousness.