Chapter Ten

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Pacifica's P.O.V
I woke up to someone shaking my arm. Groaning I hit them in the face hearing a small, girlish scream. I opened my eyes to see Dipper looking at me. "Wake up and why did you hit me!!" He yelled rubbing his cheek. "Sorry I was tired." I groaned stretching. "And why are you waking me up so early anyway?" I asked yawning. "Because I know where Mabel is."

A little while ago-

Dipper's P.O.V
I woke up early and saw Pacifica asleep on Mabel's bed. Although I don't completely trust her I know she won't break Mabel's heart. That is if we can ever find Mabel.

Sighing I got out of bed and threw on some clothes then went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen looking for something to eat when I heard a knock on the door. It was around 6 in the morning, who would be here this early? I walked to the door and opened it but no one was there. The only thing there was a note and I felt a shiver run down my spine. I quickly picked it up and shut the door.

The outside of the envelope only had one word 'Read' so I listened and opened the envelope. Inside was a note from Gideon saying he has Mabel and wants her to be his forever. He was threathing me, saying he would kill me if I tried to get Mabel back. I had to tell Pacifica so I rushed upstairs.

Pacifica's P.O.V
"We have to save her." I said getting out of Mabel's bed and rushing into the bathroom. I hurriedly got dressed and Dipper and I got into the golf cart. Dipper was nervous, hell so was I. Gideon threatened to kill him and whoever came to help him.

Time skip-

When we got there we put the golf cart in the back of the house and looked through the back window. It looked as if no one was home. Which surprised us when the back door was open. Sneaking through we began searching the house. I walked with Dipper through every room, finding nothing. We stopped in front of the last door that we hadn't checked yet. I slowly opened the door to the room and Dipper recognized it as Gideon's room, however he wasn't there and neither was Mabel.

Instead all we found was a shrine to Mabel. Pictures were all hung up on a wall of Mabel. It sent shivers down my spine. He was stalking her, following her around. There was even pictures of our date together which I was angry about. Why was he there? "Where else could she be?" I asked Dipper. "I know one more place, Gideon's warehouse." He said and I nodded as we finally walked out of the room and away from that creepy shrine.

Time skip- (sorry I want to get to the point of the chapter.)

When we stopped at the warehouse we heard someone yelling inside. I felt my chest lift when I heard Mabel's voice. I was about to run in there and grab her when Dipper stopped me. "We should probably see what's going on inside first." He said and I nodded as we watched through the windows.

Mabel's P.O.V
I woke up tied in a chair. Looking around I recognized this place instantly, Gideon's warehouse. He kidnapped me and brought me here. I'm going to hit him.

"Gideon." I muttered. "Why Mabel Pines." He said coming out of the shadows. "Why did you kidnap me Gideon?" I asked moving against the rope on the chair but it was tied tight. "Oh you know just so I can keep you here forever and make you my queen." He said casually, siting down in a chair a little away from me.

"Your crazy Gideon, and anyway my brother will come for me." I said confidently. "If that idiot brother of yours knows what best for him he won't come. And if he does, at least I get rid of him. Then all I have to do is get rid of that pathetic great uncle of yours and your all mine." He said causally. "YOUR INSANE!!" I yelled. He just laughed. "I may be insane my dear but at least I have you. And you will learn to love me eventually." He said. "I will never love you." He just laughed. "One day you will, now I'm going out to get something to eat. You can't flirt with your marshmella on an empty stomach." He said walking out of the warehouse.

I hit the restraints and felt tears fall down my cheeks, thinking it was hopeless. That is until I heard a squeaky scream outside and saw my brother walking in happily. "Mabel!" He yelled when he saw me. I smiled. "Hey Dipper." I said and hugged him after he got the rope off of me. "Don't worry I took care of Gideon I jumped him and broke his new amulet. He's knocked out cold." He said proudly.

I turned around to see Pacifica and my heart beat went out of whack. We just stared at each other and Dipper got the message that we needed to talk so he quietly walked out. I looked at my feet. "So um Pacifica..." I was cut off by two arms around my waist as Pacifica hugged me tightly. "I'm so sorry Mabel I never wanted to hurt you, my dad forced me. I still want to be with you. I know you probably won't forgive me, but I need you." She said crying.

I hugged her back, tears falling down my face. "I forgive you Paz." I said and she looked up at me smiling. A small blush formed across my cheeks. She kissed me, full on the lips. And it felt amazing. I couldn't help but smile and relax. I think I'm in love.

Another time skip-

"When will I see you again?" She asked holding my hands. "Soon, I promise I'll come back for you after school. Ill text you all the time and you can come visit during the holidays." I said looking at her tearing up eyes. "Promise me again, promise you'll come back next summer and we go on dates and fall in love all over again." "I promise Paz." I kissed her and when we let go I felt a few tears fall down as well.

I hugged her one last time and got on the bus that would take us back to California. It hurt to leave her, but summer was over and I needed to go home. I waved goodbye and blew a kiss at Paz. When they were out of sight I felt Dipper put his arm around me. "Don't worry Mabel, you'll see her next summer." He said and I smiled back. "Yeah."


A/N yep that's it, this is now over I really hope you guys enjoyed this story and I'm thinking of writing a sequel. But I'll leave that up to you guys. Please read my other mabifica fanfic if you liked this one. And enjoy :) thank you so much for reading I really appreciate and I'm so sorry about not updating. I have school and now a job :0 so I'm pretty busy. But I found some free time and decided to finish this story I love so much. Anyway thank you again, please comment if you want a sequel.

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