Chapter Seven

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Mabel's P.O.V
I stared up at the ceiling, not caring what time it was. I didn't want to get out of bed. I didn't want to do anything. Pacifica was just another one of my failed summer romances. Dipper was right all along, I know I should've listened to him. Sighing I stared at the ceiling counting to 100 five times before Dipper came over to my bed.

"You need to come downstairs and eat something Mabel. It's already 2 in the afternoon." Dipper said worriedly. "I'm not really hungry." I mumbled and turned on my stomach. Putting my face in my pillow. "Please Mabel, just come downstairs we can talk about what happened." But I just shook my head and stayed in bed. Dipper sighed and walked down the stairs. He finally left as tears began to fall, soaking my pillow. This hurt way more than every other summer romance. We were only together for a week. Why do I feel this way? Why does it hurt so much?

Dipper's P.O.V
Mabel has been in bed all day, I don't think anything can make her happy right now. I walked downstairs into the kitchen to see Grunkle Stan. He gave me a look. "Is she coming down?" He asked. I just shook my head and put my hands in my pockets. I sat down at the table and attempted to read my journal.

I knew this would happen, I knew Pacifica would hurt her. She's just like the rest of her rich and rude family. I slammed the journal shut and stood up. Quickly I walked out the front door of the shack. I was going to find Pacifica, and find out what the hell happened last night.

Mabel's P.O.V
When I finally managed to get out of bed I put on a pink tank top and some shorts. I sat on my bed after I got dressed and began to brush my hair. When I was done I walked down the stairs and saw Grunkle Stan watching tv. He smiled once he saw me. "Hi sweetie, haven't seen you since last night. If your hungry we can go to the diner." He said. "No I think I am just gonna go out for a walk." I said. His smile faltered a bit but he quickly recovered. "Okay just be home for dinner tonight. I'll order some pizza." He said and I smiled a little walking out the front door.

I absentmindedly began walking around in the woods. Not noticing where I was walking, I just stared down at my shoes. But when I looked up I was in the middle of a bunch of trees. I must've walked too far because now I'm completely lost. I was trying to retrace my steps, maybe I'd find my way out. But as I kept walking, I began to get more and more lost. I got my phone out of my pocket, there were a few missed calls from Dipper and one from Grunkle Stan. But what surprised me the most, was there was one missed call from Pacifica.

I didn't know what to do, but all I felt was rage. How dare she break up with me and then call me. Was she pretending that nothing happened? That she basically threatened me for nothing. I didn't want to hear any excuses. I'm tired of always getting hurt. I threw my phone and watched it shatter into a million pieces. And then I took off running. I don't know where I'm going but right now I don't care. I just need to get away.

Dipper's P.O.V
I stole the golf cart and drove down to Pacifica's mansion. When I got there I saw her outside sitting in the grass. I stopped the cart and ran over to her. "What the hell is wrong with you? I mean seriously Mabel trusted you and look what you did. You hurt her, she doesn't deserve this. I knew you would do this, I just knew you would hurt her. You're no better than the rest of your lying family." It felt so good to get that off my chest. Pacifica just kept looking down at the grass. It seemed as if she didn't even know I was there.

"You're right." She whispered. "Yeah I am..wait what?" She surprised me by looking up. Her tear stained face was enough to make me feel guilty. "I hurt Mabel, and I didn't want to. My dad made me. He threatened to kick me out of my house. He said being with Mabel will ruin our reputation and forced me to hurt her. I never wanted to hurt her. Dipper. I love her." She said, and I knew she meant every word.

"Who cares what your family thinks, if you love her then you have to show her. Explain to her what happened. Mabel is the most understanding person I know. She loves you." I said and she hugged me. A sincere hug. "Thank you." She said. "Hey I'll call Mabel, I have to get home soon but maybe if you try her cell she'll answer." And with that I dialed Mabel's number. She didn't answer. "That's weird Mabel always answers her phone." "I got her voicemail." Pacifica said. But something didn't feel right.

"Come with me to the Mystery Shack, maybe she's just asleep in her room." I said and Pacifica came with me. We drove down to the shack and walked in together. "Hey Grunkle Stan have you seen Mabel?" I asked. "I was just about to ask you the same thing. She left a while ago, saying she wanted to go on a walk in the woods." Something still didn't feel right, Mabel knows not to go into the woods by herself. Especially with what is in there.

Pacifica and I exchanged a look. We took off in the golf cart trying to find Mabel. There were so many possibilities of what could happen. We had to find her.

A/N sorry if this sucks, if nobody likes how the story is going please tell me. I will rewrite it if it's crappy. Promise. So anyway I hope you guys enjoy this. Anyway that's it, so bye.

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