Chapter 27
.•° Ellies P.O.V °•.
I walk into my house. Anna has been throwing random questions at me for the past 3 minutes.
"Slow Down!". "Sorry" she says quietly. "Answer my questions" she adds. "One. i've had a good day, two. I'm fine, thanks. Three. No I did not see Niall today and four. I'm going to the hospital today". "Can I come with you?" She asks. I nod my head.
.•° Amys P.O.V °•.
Today i'm going to the hospital 'cause my 'parents' think I have mental problems. They do care for me, a bit, but if I do something wrong they would hit me with a stick or something.
I arrive at the hospital. My parents leave. "Text me when your finished" my 'mom' shouts before she leaves.
I walk into the hospital. "Hi Amy!" Some woman says. "Hi". "Go to room six please" she instructs. I nod my head.
I walk into room 6. I see alot of other children. Some look 6 or 7 and some look 17 or 18. "Pair up with someone on the opposite side of the room" some man says. On one side of the room are the younger kids like 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 year olds. The other side has 16, 17,18 and 19 year olds. Everyone has a partner except for me and another girl.
The door slowly opens to reveal 2 girls around 17 or 18. "Hi girls, partner up with one of the younger children" the man instructs. They nod their heads. The blonde one partners up with me and the brunette one partners up with the other girl.
"Today the older ones ask the younger ones any questions they want" the man explains. Everyone nods their heads.
"I'm Ellie, what's your name?" She asks. "I'm Amy" I say quietly. "Why are you here today?" Ellie asks kindly. "My parents think I have mental problems" I state. "Can you tell me a bit about yourself?" Ellie asks. I nod my head.
I take in a deep breath. "im twelve years old, I get bullied in school by a girl named Taylor.I cut 'cause I think it makes other people happy and my parents abuse me" I explain. "What kind of things do your parents do to you?" Ellie asks. "If I do something wrong they slap me or whip me". "What do you do when you're sad or angry?". "I cut and cry" I state. "Do you have any friends in school?". "No". "What's your dream life?" She asks. "Just to be happy" I state. Ellie nods her head.
"Okay, did you learn anything about your partner?" The man asks. All the older people nod their heads. "Good, for the next two weeks these people will be your partners". Everyone nods their heads.
We finish up the session. I go outside. I pull my phone out of my pocket. I start texting my mom.
Me~ Can you pick me up now?
'Mom'~ Sorry, i'm busy. Just walk home
I don't answer. I see Ellie. She walks over to me. "Hi, who's bringing you home?" She asks. "I'm walking 'cause my 'mom' is busy" I explain. "Do you want me to bring you home?" She asks. I nod my head. She leads me into her car.
The drive over to my house I learned alot of things about Ellie. She says she's best friends with Niall Horan from One Direction.
She drops me off at my house. "Thanks" I say. "Any time". I walk into my house.
.•° Ellies P.O.V °•.
°°At Ellies House°°
That Amy girl is really nice and pretty. She should have loads of friends! I learned loads about her.I can't believe she cuts! I'm gonna try stop her, but I don't know how. I'm gonna try tomorrow! I have no work tomorrow. She showed me what school she goes to on the way to her house. I'm gonna excuse her from school.
~The Next Day~
"Ellie, wake up!" Niall screams. "shjfjkn" I muffle into my pillow..Niall grabs my hand and pulls me out of bed. "Niall!". He ignores me and drags me down the stairs. "OW!" I scream. He picks me up and carries me bridal style. He drops me on the couch in the living room.
"What do you want?" I ask. "I. Need. Milk!" He shouts pausing between every single word. "Go buy it yourself!" I suggest. "I'll get caught" Niall says. "I'll buy it later" I say. "Fine". "Just have toast". "Okay!"
We sit at the island in the kitchen. "What happened to your family?" Niall asks with a mouthful of toast. "My parents and Jacob moved to California. Hilary is living in Utah with her boyfriend. They're getting married soon". Niall nods his head.
I finish up eating my toast. I have a quick shower. I get dressed into a white tank top with a smiley face on it , black leggings and light blue converse.
I walk out the front door. "Can I come with?" Niall asks. "Fine!" I say. We hop into the car.
We arrive at Amys school. I see the janitor outside. "Hi, can you bring me to the secretarys office?" I ask. He nods his head.
He leads me over to the office. I see a woman wearing a black pencil skirt and a white button up shirt. "Hi, can we excuse Amy Murray?" I ask. "Why?" She asks. "She's got a dentist appointment" Niall blurts out. "Are you her parents?" She asks. "No, child minder" I say. She nods her head. She picks up something like a microphone. "Amy Murray please come to the secretary office please" she speaks into the microphone thing.
A few minutes later Amy shows up. "What am I doing here?" She asks confused. "You've got an appointment at the dentist " Niall says. "Oh yeah" Amy says playing along. Amy walks out of the school. We lead her into my car.
"Why am I here?" She asks. "I'm gonna help you" I say. "To help you stop cutting" Niall adds. Amy looks like she's about to faint! "You alri'?" I ask. "Yeah, i'm just freaked out that one out of five of One Direction is in the same car as me" she explains. "Oh" I say.
I drive to my house. I open the front door. Amy and Niall step in. I see Anna sitting on the floor, her head in her hands. "Anna?" Niall says. Anna looks up, she looks like she was crying. "What happened?" I ask. "I saw someone stalking me" she says barely audible. "What did the person look like?" Niall asks. "I could only see his or her eyes, they were filled with hate" She explains. "Just try get your mind off it" I say. She nods her head.
Amy, Niall and I go into the living room. We all sit on the couch. "Now, can you show us your scars?" Niall asks. Amy nods her head. She slowly rolls up her sleeves. I see loads of scars going different directions. I see one that looks fresh. "When did you do this?" I ask pointing at the fresh looking one. "In school" she states. "Why?" Niall asks. "Taylor knocked me down in the hall and she ripped up my history book" Amy explains. "If you don't cut for a whole week I will give you twenty pounds" Niall says. "Deal!" Amy agrees.
15 minutes later I bring Amy back to school. Why? 'cause I want to see if she cuts more in school.
Authors Note!
Who do you think the stalker is? Please comment what you think!
Samerzz! <3

My Life (Niall Horan fanfic.)
FanfictionEllie is a normal teenager. On her first day of high school she meets the guy of her dreams. They become best friends, Find out what happens in her life Read! xxx :) :) Go search Samzz_x for the PROPER story. This story lost 5 chapters and I'm rewri...