Chapter 28
.•° Ellies P.O.V °•.
°°The Next Day°°
"ELLIE!" Anna shouts. "WHAT?" I shout. "Where is my black hoodie?" She asks simply and quietly. "I dunno!" I shout.
I decide that i'm gonna have a lazy day today. I hear the doorbell ring. I run down the stairs to get it. It's Jessica.
I see Louis and Niall walking up behind her. "HI!" Louis says. "Agh!" Jessica says and drops her phone. She picks up her phone and turns around. She gives him a death glare. "I don't care who you are, nobody makes me drop my phone!". I laugh at her actions. "You guys wanna come in?"I ask. They all nod their heads. I move to the side. The 3 of them step into my house.
"Oh my gosh, Louis!, I missed you so much!" I exclaim. "I missed you too!". "Did you know everyone from One Direction back then?" Jessica asks. "Yep, she did" Niall answers for me. I nod my head. "Ellie, I got six airplane tickets to California" Niall states. "OMG, WHO'S COMING?" I ask jumping up and down. "Anna, you, Jess, Liam, Louis and me" Niall says. "How long?" I ask. "I'll just give you all the details, it's for a week, we're leaving in two days, we're visiting your parents and it's a surprise" Niall explains. "Two days!" Anna shouts running down the stairs. "I better start packing!" Jessica says. "Ask Kyle if we can get a week off" I say. She nods her head and runs out the front door.
"Did you start packing" I ask Niall and Louis. "We're finished packing" Louis states. "I better start, you guys can stay here is you want". They nod their heads. I run up the stairs and into my room. I pick out loads of tank tops, high waisted shorts and button up shirts.
I finally finish packing. I go to the hospital.
I make my way over to room 6 with Anna. We go over to our partners. "Amy, i'm gonna be going to California in two days so we can Skype eachother and talk about things in life" I explain. Amy nods her head. "Did you cut?" I ask. She shakes her head. "Good girl" I say and lightly pat her head.
°••• 2 Days Later •••°
Todays the day we're going to California! We're leaving at 4, right now it's 3.
We're boarding the plane. Everyone takes their seats. I'm sitting beside some 8 year old. Why did Niall get economy tickets? Nialls sitting in the seat in front of me, Jessica and Anna are sitting in the seats across from me and Liam and Louis .... I dunno.
"Thank you fo-" some man says through a speaker, I wasn't bothered to listen to the whole thing.
The plane starts rising.
I feel someone kick my seat, no one kicks my seat! I turn around, I see a 7 year old boy. "Can you stop kicking my seat please" I say as nice as I possibly could. He nods his head. I turn back the right way.
I called my mom yesterday and I told her that I was coming to California for a week with some friends. I didn't tell her who those friends are.
The plane finally lands! I hate being on planes 'cause I hate it when my ears pop and when children annoy you!
It's so sunny in California! "Do you have sunglasses?" Niall asks. I shake my head. "Take these" he says and hands me raybans. He slips them on my face. "Wh-" I was cut off by paparazzi surrounding us.
"Ignore them" Niall whispers in my ear. I nod my head.
The paparazzi got fed up of us ignoring them so they just left.
I look around for my mom. I finally spot her. I walk over to her. I tap her on the shoulder. She turns around. "Ellie!" She exclaims and hugs me. I hug back. "Mom, I missed you so much!". "Where are your friends?" She asks and pulls away from our hug. "They'll be here in a minute". I see Anna appear out of nowhere. She pokes my mom. My mom turns around. "Anna!" My mom says and pulls her into a hug. "Clare" Anna muffles. I see Niall, Liam, Louis and Jessica come along. My mom spots them. Her eyes widen at the sight of Niall, Liam and Louis. "Clare!" Niall, Liam and Louis say. "Boys!" My mom says. She gives them all hugs. I introduce Jess to my mom.
We step out of the airport. "Let's go!" My mom suggests. We all nod our heads.
We arrive at my moms front door. We all step into her house. "The hotel your staying in is not very far away" my mom says.
I see Jacob sitting on the stairs. His eyes widen. "Ellie!". I smile and give him a hug.
A few minutes later we make our way to the hotel. We have the rooms at the top. Niall, Liam and Louis in one room, Me, Jess and Anna in another.
Liam and Louis are up in their room with all their luggage, including Nialls. Anna and Jess are up in our room with all our luggage, including mine.
Niall and I step into the elevator. I see a girl, she looks like an oompa loompa wearing loads of makeup! "Omg, your Niall Horan!" She exclaims. "No chiz" I say under my breath. She rolls her eyes. "I'm Brittany, can I have your autograph?". Nialls nods his head. Brittany or Bitchany pulls out a pen. Niall quickly signs her arm.
Brittany starts talking about God knows what. The elevator suddenly comes to a stop. "Sorry, we're having some technical difficulties" a woman says through a speaker. "We will figure something out" she adds.
Great! I'm stuck in an elevator with an annoying oompa loompa!
Authors note!
303 freaking reads!! Thanks so so much! Ily so much!! 33 votes! <3 so happy! =]

My Life (Niall Horan fanfic.)
FanfictionEllie is a normal teenager. On her first day of high school she meets the guy of her dreams. They become best friends, Find out what happens in her life Read! xxx :) :) Go search Samzz_x for the PROPER story. This story lost 5 chapters and I'm rewri...