Never Stop Fighting (Jesse Ending)

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Jesse's POV. sorry, Olivia. But...I need to get back.

I swam up with all my strength, trying to forget the fact that I left Olivia. The thing is, I wanted to get back to mu friends, and Petra.

Plus, this place is scary. Like you're in a blood pool. Everything is pure red. (You know, the 'You died!' screen.)

Finally, I reached the top and was facing the 'RESPAWN' button. "Sorry Olivia." I pressed it.


"Guys? I think he's alright!"

"No way! He..."

"Look! He's opening his eyes!"

Never knew respawning could be dizzy. It feels like your whole body has been pulled and stretched, then squeezed again.

"Jesse! Jesse can you hear me?" Lukas grabbed hold of my hand. Although my vision was groggy, I could still make out his blonde hair and armor.

"Yep..." I muttered in response. I tried to get up slowly, while Axel and the others supported my back.


That was the voice I wanted to hear. The voice where I've been missing. Petra.

"Petra." I waved at her shyly.

"Jesse! Oh my God!!" She rushed in and hugged me.

"I thought you couldn't..."

I stroked her hair to comfort her. "'s a long story. But first, how about we go home?"

She playfully punched my arm and laughed. "Sure."


"...and that's how I came back."

I had explained everything, in detail, to the group about what happened. The red void, Olivia, and the respawn button.

" Olivia could be saved after all?" Axel asked. He was on the brink of tears.

"Yeah. Axel, I'm sorry. I was selfish and I...just chose." I apologized sincerely.

"It's...okay. I'm going out now." He said and left the room. Then, silence filled the atmosphere.

"I'll go prepare some food for celebrating you coming back. Glad you could still return." Lukas did a fist bump and walked into the kitchen. Isa also went off to hunt some animals.


I forgot. It was only me and Petra sitting on the couch now.

"Yeah?" She looked at me, with a bit of pink on her cheeks.

"I'm really sad that Olivia couldn't make it...but also, I'm so happy you're here. I feel... complicated."

"Me too...I mean, everyone seemed relieved, but I could also spot sadness in their eyes." I said honestly.

She cupped her hands on my cheeks and said, "Still, you being here is...the greatest comfort I could get. The truth is...I like you, no, I really love you Jesse. I didn't know when my feelings developed, but I'm sure it's for you. Um...I..."

She seemed nervous and at loss for words. Probably her first time confessing.

I smiled and pecked at her cheeks, causing her to blush even more. "...Jesse?!"

"I love you too, Petra. And being here with you is just...wonderful. I also thought I wouldn't see you again..."

We both stayed quiet, until she spoke again.

"...this is very awkward."

"I know right."

But I could sense some people in the corner, taking pictures and whispering 'Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!'

I took the advice and kissed Petra on her lips. She looked surprised, but quickly calmed down and sunk into the kiss.

Few seconds later, we broke apart.

"You know, I'm so glad you're alive."

"Same...I'm so glad I'm back."

"Well, after this we still have lots of place to explore." She said.

"Yeah. And we're all going to do it as a team. No more dying, respawning, or getting hurt."

"True, and we'll come back home with a proud smile on our faces. You know why?"

She held my hand and leaned on my shoulder, whispering, "Because all of us, have faith, and never stop fighting."



"Jeez Lukas calm down. I already knew this was happening." Axel said.

"I couldn't bear the excitement either." Isa made a little 'squueeeee'

"Well looks like they're sleeping. We shouldn't bother them." Lukas suggested.


The End

I'm not gonna say any lies, and be honest with you all.

I am sincerely sorry I haven't update in ages. Like, a month.

The truth is, I didn't have much interest anymore. So I couldn't think of how to end the story.

And if you keep seeing Undertale references, it's because that time I was too addicted to it.

So...I'm sorry for everything, and don't worry, I'm back from my hiatus, so... you'll get updates regularly now.

I also finished my exam so XD


Never Stop Fighting (MCSM Jestra) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now