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1 week later

Winters POV

I am currently on my way to stay with my Mom in Cali for a week, and then I'm heading back home to Florida. Shane has allowed me access to the performance centre which I suppose is a step in the right direction.

Eva has been suspended for violating the wellness policy. This makes me happy. Reason 1, because she will be out of the title picture. Reason 2, because she's a bitch.

I need to get Shane to trust me again because I sure as hell want to be the first woman to hold that title.

The PPV is in two weeks.

Things are still a little patchy with me and Dean but we're working on it. I have decided that I am going to tell my Mom that I am dating him.

So I have that to look forward to after this long drive.

I turn the radio on and turn the volume up to drown out my thoughts whilst on the road.

Many hours later

"Hi hunny!" My Mum yelled excitedly as she came out of the house to give me a big kiss on the cheeks and squeeze.

She placed her hands on my face, "you get more and more beautiful every time I see you."

"Awww Mom." I hugged her into me.

"I miss you so much. This week is going to be very good sweetheart. Quality time is what we do best right?"

"You got it." I smiled at her as I pulled my gigantic suitcase out of the boot of my car.

"Hey let me get that!" My stepfather, Willie, offered as he came out of the house to greet me.

"Thanks. Nice to see you." I kissed his cheek and gave him a smile.

"Your mother has been very excited to see you all week." He said as he dragged the suitcase into the lavish and elegant house.

"I bet. Have you decorated? This place is neat!" I expressed my opinion.

"Yeah we did it a few months ago now, but you wouldn't know because you never come." She tilted her head at me.

I hate it when she does that.

"I know," I started whilst walking over to her to embrace her into a hug, "but you know that's not my choice, right? And I make a point to call you every other day."

"I know you do sweety." She stroked my cheek.

That night

Me and my mother sat on my bed looking through a photo album of me when I was a baby, when she asked the question I knew she was dying to ask.

"So..." I knew what was coming, "no boyfriend then?"

I smirked and rolled my eyes. So predictable Mom.

"Well actually, there is someone. We're kind of dating."

Her eyes lit up as a big grin drew across her face.

"Who is he? Is he handsome? Does he wrestle? Why didn't you tell me? He could have come with you!" She started questioning.

"Woah Mom overload of questions. His name is Dean, yes he is very handsome, yes he is a wrestler, and I didn't tell you because I haven't told Dad...and well, he doesn't really like him."

Her grin dropped and turned into a frown.

"Why not?"

"I don't really know... You see Dean's persona in the ring is a little crazy and I guess that has all Dad has ever seen of him so he is just a little wary. But he is not like that outside of the ring, at least not that extreme." I explained.

"Can I see a picture?" She asked.

I showed her the picture of us stood at the London Bridge.

"Awwww! You both look so happy! And why, he is a handsome devil indeed." She giggled to herself.

I smiled at her statement.

"Yeah. He's super sweet too. You'd love him. But just don't tell Dad, okay? Please..." I pleaded.

"Okay hunny but you need to tell him sooner or later if you are serious about your relationship. And if your Dad doesn't listen then I will have a chat to him." She winked at me.

"Thanks Mom." I smiled as she stroked my cheek, before kissing my forehead and saying good night and leaving the room.

I switched the lamp off and lay down in my bed, admiring the picture I had just shown my Mom.

I missed him and I wanted to hear his voice.

I dialled his number and waited.


"Hi baby." I smiled as I spoke, hearing his grainy voice.

"Are you okay?" He asked sounding concerned.

"Yeah, I just wanted to hear your voice. I miss you."

"Oh baby...I miss you too."

"Good." I replied with a huge grin on my face, as if he could see it.

"Have you told your Mom about us?" He asked.

"Yeah, she was happy. Like really happy. I showed her your picture, she thinks you're handsome." I giggled.

"Well what can I say? I got all the females falling for me." He joked.

I giggled along as we chatted away for about an hour.

I could literally fall asleep listening to his voice.

Not because it's boring, no.

But because it is so dreamy and perfect.

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