Quote Eight

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"You try, try, and try some more, but you feel like all your doing is creating sand from which the block on the wall of bricks you keep hitting on in one spot over & over & over again was formed from. Thus creating an endless cycle for yourself, because all of us, that feel like we might have finally broken a whole in that damn brick wall, only come to realize that there is yet another one just like it on the other side. Now grant it, it may be blue cinder blocks this time, but the time after that might be those huge stone boulders. Life is a day to day struggle for most of us. All we can do is just keep pickin away at the walls in front of us & see if they fall down or if we just make a whole big enough to crawl through. Just remember you can't always be perfect but you can try to be the best you, you can ever be." 


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