A Dream Fulfilled

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So, here we are...starting a new story. I'm dreaming it's summer time and the favorite thing about summer time, besides the longer days and warmer weather is the return of my favorite show, So You Think You Can Dance. I love it ... the beauty, artistry and athleticism is amazing. Plus, the music they play? Damn ... makes me happy.

Anyhow, the first few chapters were submitted to the Fandom 4 Autism compilation. If you've donated to that cause, you've read these chapters, but I am continuing it. Here's the full summary:

It had been Bella's dream to go on the dance competition, So You Think You Can Dance. She was a contemporary dancer, going to college, trying to rebound from the death of her father. Her mother's lack of support and a significant injury forced her to forget her dreams and go to school, getting her masters, to be a teacher.

Edward Cullen had already lived the dream, being the runner up for the previous season of So You Think You Can Dance. He was a steamy, sexy Latin dancer and a fan favorite, but he came in second behind a jazz dancer, Lauren Mallory. But, in Edward's world, it worked out for the best. He now had an opportunity to be a choreographer and an All-Star for the competition.

Rosalie, Bella's best friend and fellow dancer, convinced Bella to try out during the audition tour in Portland. Bella was hesitant. It was her dreams of being a dancer that inadvertently killed her father. He was working overtime to pay for extra classes when he was murdered on the job. Rose wheedled and pleaded with her, begging her to come to the auditions. Begrudgingly, Bella agreed and she became a judge favorite, sailing through to the call-backs in Los Angeles.

The competition is fierce. Dreams are at stake and a budding romance between All-Star, Edward and contestant, Bella are the talk to of the competition. Not to mention jealousy and bitterness from fellow contestants. Will Bella's dream become a reality or will her dreams be dashed before she even gets a chance to compete? Will Edward open his heart to the sweet brunette who captured his attention at the auditions?

"And America's Favorite Dancer is..."

Without further ado...

So You Think You Can Dance?

Chapter One: A Dream Fulfilled


"And America's Favorite Dancer is..." Tanya's voice said. I was holding hands with Lauren Mallory, a jazz dancer and fellow finalist. She was beautiful and her dancing style was nothing short of ethereal. Very different from the explosive actions and sexy movements of my Latin dancing. She was a close friend and regardless of who won, I was proud of what I had accomplished in the competition and was so very proud of her. "Lauren!"

"Holy shit!" she squeaked, her eyes widening.

I wrapped her up in a hug as the confetti canons went off, covering the stage with sparkly tinsel and bright colored paper. "Congratulations, Lauren! I'm so happy for you!"

"Edward!" she sobbed, clutching to my black shirt. "I couldn't have done it without you." I smiled, kissing her cheek and stood off to the side. One of the stage hands gave me a huge bouquet. Tanya hugged Lauren and she announced to the audience the winnings for this competition. Lauren had received a cover of Dance Sport magazine, a spot in the revival of West Side Story on Broadway, $250,000 cash prize and an advertising modeling contract for some woman's deodorant line. Lauren hugged her and the cameras cut away as a montage of her best bits were shown on the big screens. Once the videos were done, all of us were surrounding Lauren. I was placed on the right of Tanya, nearest to her side that held the microphone and Lauren was on the left, trying not to snot sob in front of millions of people.

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