Hip Hip Chin Chin

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So, here we are ... starting a new story. I'm dreaming that it's summer time and the favorite thing about summer time, besides the longer days and warmer weather is the return of my favorite show, So You Think You Can Dance? I love it ... the beauty, artistry and athleticism is amazing. Plus, the music they play? Damn ... makes me happy.

Now, I'm doing something that I normally don't do, having multiple POVs in one chapter. I have done it other stories, but during situations where it was like the climax or the epilogue, because it's not something that I like to do. I will be sticking with Edward and Bella. However, when I was planning out this chapter, and the subsequent chapters, the story would mainly revolve around Bella. As much as I like to focus on her character, I do want to make sure I include Edward in the mix. Soooooo, I could have done two shorter chapters or combine them into one longer chapter. I'd figure you'd like longer chapters with a combination of EPOV/BPOV.

You're welcome. *Snorts*

On that note ... onto the story.

Chapter Seven: Hip, Hip, Chin, Chin – The Rhythm Section


"Bella, did you tell the post office to forward your mail to the 'Top Twenty Mansion'?" Rose asked as she struggled to close her suitcase. "And the power? Telephone? Oooh, what about the newspaper."

"Yes, Rose ... and we don't get the paper, you goof," I said from my room, zipping my bags and dropping them off into the foyer of our shared apartment. I walked to her bedroom, laughing at what I saw. She was trying to zip up her luggage while sitting on top of it. "Did you do the same?"

"I'm not that blonde, Bells," she snickered. "I need your help." I walked into her bedroom. She was sitting on her bag, bouncing on it and trying to zipper it closed. She was not doing too well. "Put your skinny ass on here. Maybe your ninety pounds will help my bag close."

"I weigh more than ninety pounds, you bitch," I snorted, sitting next to her. My weight did help close the bag. She kissed my temple, slobbering all over my face. "Gross, Rose."

"Sorry," she said, removing her teeth whitening tray and walking across the hall to her bathroom. She was rinsing it out as she talked. "I want to make sure my pearly whites are white and not yellow. How do they look?" She came back in, giving me a freaky, wide smile.

"Fine," I answered. "Are you almost ready to go? The limo is going to be here in twenty minutes."

"That was the last bag," Rose replied, wrinkling her nose. "Do you think I should pack another bag? I don't know if I have enough clothes."

"Rose, you brought your entire freaking closet. I think you have enough clothes," I deadpanned. "And I think they have laundry facility in the 'Top Twenty Mansion'." Rose gave me the finger, checking her bedroom once more. I made sure I had everything in my carryon before I settled onto the couch. My cell phone vibrated on the arm of the couch. It was a text from Edward. I picked up the phone, dialing his number. I wanted to hear his velvety voice.

It was so fucking sexy.

"Pretty girl!" he sang. "Are you in Los Angeles yet?"

"Not yet. The limo is on the way to pick Rose and me up from our apartment," I answered. "Are you in LA?"

"I moved into my apartment this weekend. I thought the mansion that we stayed in was gorgeous. This apartment is well-furnished and with high-end touches. The production is paying for it, plus my salary for choreographing and being an All-Star. It also has a pool and I've got use of a sweet ride," he chuckled.

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