The Green Mile

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So, here we are ... starting a new story. I'm dreaming that it's summer time and the favorite thing about summer time, besides the longer days and warmer weather is the return of my favorite show, So You Think You Can Dance? I love it ... the beauty, artistry and athleticism is amazing. Plus, the music they play? Damn ... makes me happy.

So, we're almost through with callbacks. We have the contemporary round of choreography and the final dance for your life before the top twenty dancers are revealed. And who here hates Alice? I had every intention of making her a bad guy in this one. Her true colors are starting to come out, but the judges are not seeing it. It only comes out behind the camera.

Chapter Six: The Green Mile


"Bella, you should see the medic," Rose hissed. We were seated in the house after we'd learned the contemporary choreography by Travis. I was in the first group that went up for our time to dance the contemporary piece. It was flowy, romantic and ethereal, matching the music, 'A River Flows in You' by Yiruma. I'd been deemed safe by the judges and I was trying to stretch out my knee before the final solos. "It's swollen and you've got a huge bruise."

"I'm fine, Rose," I barked back, but I knew she was right. "All I have to do is get through the last round of dancing and then I can rehab it at school until we begin filming. Almost six full weeks!"

"At least wear your brace, Bells," Rose pleaded. "Remember what Alistair and what Edward said. If he knew that you were pushing yourself, he'd rip you a new one, Isabella Marie Swan!"

One of the producers shushed us and we apologized. I reached into my bag, pulling out my brace and a pair of long, black yoga pants. I tugged on my brace along with the pants, pulling my hair back into a messy bun. I couldn't wait to get into the shower and scour all of the grime off my body. The production promised that if we did make it to the Green Mile, we'd be treated to a morning at the spa, along with professionally done makeup and hair. I was just anxious to have a full body massage. The other stuff was slim pickings.

The judges were downright lethal in this last round of choreography. Favorites were cut to pieces and eliminated. One guy, Jeremy, I thought he would win it all but he was downright clumsy in the contemporary round. The judges tore him up, dismissing him from the competition. I was lucky. I was with several contemporary and jazz dancers and I easily caught on to the choreography. I, personally, got rave reviews.

Alice did not.

It was a little bit childish, but I felt somewhat vindicated that the judges gave her such harsh critiques. They didn't eliminate her, but they did say that her spot was in jeopardy if she didn't show the wow in her final solo. She smiled, thanking the judges for the second chance, running off the stage. Her eyes were filled with tears, but I couldn't bring it in my heart to feel sorry for her. She should have been eliminated based on her performance.

After the final group had finished their dance, Alistair called all of us back into the auditorium. "We're so close to the end," he said. "I want to let you all know that we're proud of you and so excited at the talent in this room. Now, if you can see, we've got fifty-two dancers left. For the final dance for your life, your final solos, there will be no comments from us. You'll either be asked to stay to participate in the Green Mile or asked to leave, heading home. This is toughest cut. You're so close and yet so far. Regardless of what happens, we're proud of you and you should be proud of yourselves. Now, we're going to go in reverse numerical order. Up first will be Jasper Whitlock."

He ran up the stairs, doing the most dynamic a cappella tap dance. The rhythms he created with his feet were so intricate, but he made it look so easy. When he was done, he smiled and waited for the judge's final decision. And there was no surprise when he was sent through. An hour into the final dance round, five dancers had been eliminated. Rose was up next, with me immediately following her. Rose decided to use a slower, more lyrical hip hop song to show her versatility. It was an older song, "No Air" by Chris Brown and Jordin Sparks. Her movements were beautiful, hard hitting and perfect.

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