Bittersweet Symphony

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So, here we are ... starting a new story. I'm dreaming that it's summer time and the favorite thing about summer time, besides the longer days and warmer weather is the return of my favorite show, So You Think You Can Dance? I love it ... the beauty, artistry and athleticism is amazing. Plus, the music they play? Damn ... makes me happy.

This chapter comes with a lemon warning and possibly a tissue warning. We're going to run the gambit of emotions. Happiness, exultation, anger, betrayal, sadness, bitterness, rage ... Just saying ...

Chapter Twenty-Two: Bittersweet Symphony


With a spin, a twist and a sneer, our dance was over and we strode apart, leaving room for Chloe in the middle. Lowering my arms, I blew out a breath and waited. Alistair spoke almost immediately after the crowd died down. "And that's why you two are the top two dancers. You are both so strong and fierce. This has been one of the most amazing seasons of So You Think You Can Dance and it's all in part due to you two."

"Thank you," Alice said smugly, standing up taller and smirking.

"This has been a dream," I breathed. "Thank you for the opportunity."

"A class act to the end," Carmen smiled. "We should be thanking you."

"Before we announce the winner, let's take a look at both of your best bits," Chloe said. On the screen, our story wove together and it was a combination of our best performances, rehearsals and camaraderie with the cast. I had more of the latter, but they gave us equal time. When the video ended, the lights came up. "In a record-breaking vote, America's Favorite Dancer is ..."

I took a breath, focusing on my thoughts, my dad, my friends, Edward and my future. Whatever may come ... I can do this.

"Isabella Swan!"

Did I just win? Oh my GOD!


"They just said Bella's name," I gasped, tugging on Emmett's arm. "Bella won?!"

"Dude, you're going to dislocate my shoulder," Emmett laughed.

"Asshole! Did they just say Bella's name?!"

"She won, Edward," Lauren beamed, throwing her arms around my neck. "She deserved it! I'm so happy she won." I lifted Lauren off the ground, but I wanted Bella in my arms. I wanted to kiss the shit out of her. I wanted to hoist her onto my shoulders and scream like a crazy man, cheering for my favorite dancer. My girl is America's favorite dancer!

"Come on, Edward. We're allowed to go on stage," Lauren said, tugging me toward the stage. I followed her and weaved my way to my girl. Bella found me, jumping into my arms and sobbed happily. I lifted her onto my shoulders and everyone cheered for her. Confetti rained all around us, sticking to our skin and in our hair. Bella was crying, smiling and waving excitedly. The cameras weaved in and out of the dancers, all of them so excited and happy for Bella.

Everyone except Alice. She was smiling tightly, standing next to Chloe and gripping her flowers. Chloe was trying to engage Alice in conversation, but she was obviously ignoring her. With a sneer, Alice stomped off the stage once the cameras were off her. I shook my head and focused on the gorgeous girl on my shoulders. Nothing could bring her down or bring me down. I was so proud of her.

Ten minutes after she was announced as the winner, the lights went down and we took official pictures with everyone, even Alice. Bella and Alice stood next to each other, but you could feel the animosity between the two. It was rolling off Alice in waves. Bella was vibrating with excitement. However, she felt Alice's cold shoulder. Yes, Alice did come in second. However, would it have killed her to look pleasant and not like she wanted to kill my girl?

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