Chapter 3

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Ian's (Ssundee) POV


I wasn't expecting anything like this. We were just trying to figure out who could of done this, then hockey mask guy brings up a good point. Many of us thought that the cat was Cory, and I was plotting to rid of him, then out of nowhere, this alarm sounds, warning us about something. Then these growls sound from the other end of the hall. I raced to my dorm, hoping it wasn't after me. But just as I was closing the door, I noticed that the masked guy went through the wrong door. I was half tempted to go after him and tell him he was going the wrong way, but it was pointless now. All I could do for him was wish him luck under my breath. I slammed the door, which had a little viewing window on it, which was barred, thank goodness. That thing rushed in the direction the other guy went. He's screwed, I thought, That thing's gonna kill him. I could almost see it. The next day, we'll look for him, and we'll find his disembodied corpse in the room where the horrible act occurred. After several minutes, the creature was back. But for some reason, it didn't dribble of blood. It walked over to where the dead guy was, pulled both pins out with its teeth, and dragged the corpse away. Moments later, I heard something that made my stomach churn. I can't exactly describe what it sounded like, you'd have to be in my situation to understand. But I could only figure one thing: That dead guy was now that monster's snack.

God, where's Derp? And where am I, I pondered. I tried to remember what exactly happened before..well, all this bullsh*t happened. Before now, that would've been like asking to find  the last digit of pi. But now, I could remember much more clearer. It was about 3 days ago. I was making my way to a friend's house in broad daylight. Broad F*cking Daylight. How in the world did this happen, you ask? Well, I was running a tad late to the recording Mr. Crainer and I were gonna do, so I took an alleyway as a shortcut. My big mistake. The alley wasn't dark, don't get me there, but the lack of people there is what sealed it for me. I really should've learned to be more observant after all those times I was kidnapped before, but old habits die hard. Besides, I've taken that alleyway as a shortcut so many times without too much trouble that I saw no issue to take it again. That's when sh*t started to go down. First, something pricked me on my arm. I dismissed it as an odd itch, hoping I didn't bump into any poison ivy along the way. As I continued, I began to feel groggy all of a sudden. I was a little out of it before now, but this was a bit concerning. My head felt heavy, and I felt like I needed to fall asleep. I tried to fight it the best I could, but eventually I collapsed. As my eyes were closing, I noticed odd figures coming towards me. They said something, but I didn't catch it. I had just slipped into sleep.

And now I'm here. D*mn, and I thought Derp taking control of my body was hell...That's nothing compared to this. Hell, I could repeat that 100 times, and this would still be worse. All I could do now at this point was try to sleep with that noise going, which at this point had settled down to growling and occasional tearing of flesh. I was sitting on the bed, try to mentally sort out everything that just went down. So much happened...It was all over the place. I didn't notice that I had started to doze off. I didn't try to fight it this time, but I did take a moment to take off my sunglasses, cause Derp's nowhere to be seen, so I wasn't worried about him trying anything when I take off my sunglasses to sleep.


???'s POV


They can't understand how doomed they are. Well, one of them has speculations, but is that enough?...Heck, how would they understand if I can't even tell them? I am the only one who is stuck wandering these halls that contained my doom. If I'm already dead, why don't I leave and go to..wherever the heck dead people go? The thing is, I can't. I physically and spiritually cannot leave this cursed place. The reason? Well, that monstrous cat took something of mine. No, not that thing, but its owners...They took it and gave it to that cat as a trophy for the greatest kill. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who was the victim.

It was many years ago. I was the last person in the game. My comrades had perished. I was backed up against the wall at the end of the dorm hall, which was a false wall that only the cat could get though. That cat was right behind me, snarling and hissing. I was desperately trying to figure out a way to out smart it and buy me some extra time, like another day. I had the key and knew where the exit was. But this cat was one step ahead of me. It tried to pin me, but I manged to get around its huge paws and run. But I didn't make it far. The thing charge tackled me and pinned me down. It swatted the key that I had in my hand away, so that if I did escape its clutches, I wouldn't get far again. Then it turned its head to face me, snarling. I was scared out of my mind; I knew what would happen. I saw it myself a few times. Once they were pinned, the creature would either A) Break their neck with its teeth to give a merciful end, then consume the body, or B) If it was really hungry, it would start to eat them while they are still alive. Based on its facial expressions, I thought I was going to be consumed alive. But instead of starting its feeding fest on me, it raised its paw, then smashed it against my upper arm. There was the crack of a bone. I was in shock; I just couldn't believe what was happening. Questions flooded my already clouded head: What is it doing? Why break my arm? It looked like it tried to tell me what it was planning to do, but it didn't have much luck: only growls and snarls came out. It eventually gave up trying, and started to physically torment me for my failure to beat the game. It still held me pinned the way I was, but inflicted injury after injury on me. It scratched, bit, and beat me around for 10 minutes straight. But each minute was hell to me; I was surprised that I didn't faint due to all of that pain. But, it never hit near where my lungs were until the end. I was dying at that point, and I knew it. My mind was screwed for thinking, and I lost a lot of blood. It lifted its paw one last time, with only one claw out, and pierced my lungs with it. I was already coughing up quite a bit of blood, so I had no idea why it did that. I felt light, my mind heavy. I was basically knocking on death's door. I barely managed to say,

"You..f(cough)f*cking....***hole..." I coughed, struggling to get air into my now damaged lungs. But I couldn't fight death anymore. I tried, but eventually my world faded to nothing.

A few minutes later, I wake again. But, things were different. My skin took on a blueish, whitish tint, and I looked like I was floating a bit. I looked cautiously around to see if anything happened while I was out. When I walked over to the place of my demise, I was shocked to see that my body wasn't there anymore. I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find it. After my 2nd search, that big cat approached me. I was desperate to find any leads to the whereabouts of my body. I didn't turn around; I didn't want to look my killer in the eye. Then it said,

"Aw, poor thing. What's wrong, buddy? Can't find your body?" Those words got me to turn around faster than if I heard a twig snap. I recognized that voice. I tried to speak, but nothing came out, only a faint wheeze. I was confused. Why didn't any words come out? I tried again. No luck, still the same result. I couldn't figure out why this was happening. The cat laughed at my attempt, and said,

"What now? Can't speak? Oh, how the tables have turned. Enjoy the inability to speak. I'm pretty sure that it will come in handy."  It laughed again, and then said, "Well, I'd like to thank you for that wonderful donation. I was getting tired of not being able to speak. My masters were impressed by how I ended your life, so they awarded me your voice box. Heh, I guess I forgot the side effects of taking stuff from a dead person. You're now stuck here for as long as I have it in my body.  Have fun watching players die, but not being able to give any of them tips
on how to beat this game." It laughed at me and walked away, leaving me thoughtless. How can I warn them, I thought to myself, If I can't even speak. Then I got an idea. I nabbed a notepad and pencil. It could take my ability to speak, but couldn't take my ability to write.

Which brings us back to now. I wrote down some tips on the does and don'ts of this game. After I was finished, which didn't take long, surprisingly, I found a roll of masking tape, tore off the notes from the notepad, and taped them on the door of each person. The only reason I was doing this in the first place was to prevent something like myself from happening again. After that, I hid from human view by fading. Now I wait, and hope they take the messages from beyond the grave seriously.

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