Chapter One: New Beginnings

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I woke with no body next to mine. I sighed loudly and rubbed at my head, yawning slightly. Eight months. It had been eight months. Tobias was one and a half years old and he was looking like Jordan did in his old baby photos.


"Jasey? What are you doing here?" Cam asked, shocked as he stood aside to let me walk into the house.

I held Toby against my chest and tried not to cry. Toby was sleeping soundly and I blinked rapidly, trying not to think about what had just happened.

"Jasey, what happened to your hand?" He asked, his eyes sweeping down to my right arm. I still had blood stains on it and my palm had a nasty cut in it. I shook my head and clambered into the house. Without question, Cam followed me and gently led me to his office where there was a small low to the ground cot.

I wrapped Toby up tightly in his blanket so he would stay sleeping and then backed out of the room, tears already streaming down my face.

"Jasey, what's going-" he started, but I just hugged him. I sobbed into his chest and he held me tightly, rubbing my back. "Baby, are you okay?" He murmured into my hair. I only shook my head and sobbed away. All of the love I had for Jordan was gone.

*flashback over*

I grumbled and brushed the hair out of my face and pulled Cam's favorite flannel on, buttoning it up. Then I grabbed some jean shorts and yanked those on, the clasp right above my belly button. I had lost all of the baby fat because I refused to eat. I knew it was unhealthy, but my child's father made me so insecure that I even put make up on before I went to sleep.

I followed the sounds of Cam and Toby's baby-ish conversations and walked into the kitchen, my hands crossed over my chest.

"Good morning, boys." I said, smiling. Cam glanced up at me and gave me his little signature finger wave making me laugh slightly.

"Morning, mommy," Cam chuckled, swooping over to my side and kissing my cheek.

"Mommy!" Called Toby. I smirked and pushed Cam away, laughing at his false hurt.

"Hey, sweetie." I cooed gently to Toby. Toby's hand landed on my chin and I laughed, pulling his hand up.

"Mommy," Toby grinned toothlessly and held up his plastic spoon up. "Food!"

I glanced at Cameron who shrugged absentmindedly. "I tried to feed him, but he didn't wanna eat. It was awkward and weird because he threw the food at me, but-" I silenced Cam with a kiss.

"It's okay. I understand. I'm just gonna try to feed him before your friends come over." I winked and Cam grinned.

"Okay." He said sheepishly. "I'll start the laundry."

I pulled a chair up to Toby and grabbed his plastic spoon and dipped it in the mashed carrot baby food. Toby wrinkled his nose and glared at me.

"Food," he ordered. I sighed loudly.

"Toby, baby, this is food. Go on. Have a bite." I urged him, gently pressing the paste against his thin lips.

"No. Food." Toby mumbled, his face getting red. I was getting a little frustrated, but the door bell saved me from slamming my face into the high chair.

"I got it." I called pulling Toby up into my arms. I padded to the door and opened it, pulling my sleeves up slightly.

"Hey, Jasey!" Called Ben. Behind him stood Sam and Danny. I smiled at them.

"Hey, guys. Come on in. Cam's just doing laundry." I stepped aside as the boys walked past me, cooing to Toby on their way to the kitchen.

Cam and I eventually told the rest of AA about how Jordan and I really met. At first they thought it was weird, but as they got to know me, they learned to just forget about it and accept it.

"Cam is doing chores?" Danny gasped. The boys laughed along at Danny's joke.

"Only because he couldn't get Toby to eat." I sighed walking back into the kitchen, following the boys while bouncing Toby on my hip, doing what Ben liked to call 'Mama Swagger'. "Where's James?"

"He's coming." Sam said, opening a beer. "Why can't Cam make Toby eat?"

"It's harder than it seems, mate." Cam said, coming into the kitchen, grabbing the beer from Sam and taking a sip. Sam wrinkled his nose and opened another beer.

"I bet it's not." He argued. He picked up the spoon and I placed Toby back in his high chair. "C'mon, Toby. Wanna eat some...carrots...for Uncle Sam?" He asked, wriggling his eyebrows. Toby looked cross and he frowned.

"No. Food!" He wailed. Danny snickered and Ben gave a chuckle.

"This is food." Sam said, spooning some onto the spoon. "See?" He shoved the carrots into his mouth and instantly turned pale. He made a face and grabbed a beer, swigging down quickly. "Ugh! Ew!!" He broke off looking down at Toby who was giving him a curious look. "Mmmm-" he lied to Toby. "Sooooo gooooooood."

Toby grinned and grabbed the spoon and shoved it into his baby formula. I snickered at Sam who was coughing now into the sink. "That should be prison food!" Sam hissed, sending the bottle a dirty look.

I chuckled and turned my head as James walked into the room. I learned to forgive James, seeing how he was drunk when he attacked me. As I went to hug him, something caught my eye. A familiar car sat in our drive way and I saw two people emerging from the car.

One was Matt Kean, who climbed out and rubbed his head. The other, however, made my stomach drop and my knees shake.

Fuck...Jordan. What are you doing here?

Don't Try To Fight The Storm *Part Three Of Kidnapped By Bring Me The Horizon* [✔]Where stories live. Discover now