Memories of Jasey 1

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Two Months Before Jasey's Suicide

"Jasey? Where are you?" Jordan shouted. I closed my eyes and bit my lip. I was hiding in the closet, playing hide and seek with my husband. Don't you dare say that it's childish.

Oliver offered to watch Toby today and I was having a great time playing this stupid game.

I heard Jordan's feet hit the ground right next to the closet and I heard him chuckle.

"My, my. This is familiar, isn't it?" Jordan mused. I only rolled my eyes. Of course, this was familiar, instead last time, I didn't want to be found. Before I could get more into my thoughts, I heard Jordan's laugh. "Found you!"

His arms wrapped around my waist and he kissed me, pulling me from the darkness of the closet.

"Awe!" I whined. "I thought it was a good hiding place."

"Too predictable, love." Jordan snorted. I rolled my eyes and pulled myself out of his grasp. "Are you almost ready to go?"I shrugged and rubbed my arms, standing up. Jordan followed my actions and sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize." I grumbled. "It's fine anyway."

Today was Alaric's death day. Jordan and I were planning on going to his grave today, but right now, I really didn't want to go.

"We don't have to do this, if you don't want to." Jordan whispered, his arms wrapping around my waist and his head resting on my shoulder.

"I know." I murmured. "But I want to."

"No you don't." Jordan laughed, pulling away from me. I pouted.

"You're right. I don't want to." I looked down at my feet. "My mom might be there."

"Ah." Jordan said weakly. He never really did like my mother. Don't blame him. I told him all these awful stories of her, but he's never met her before. "What if we had a little tribute here? It doesn't have to be in the house, but...maybe like...outside? The park? Someone else's house?"

I felt my mouth twist into a smile.

"That's not a bad idea, Jordan." I praised him. Jordan smirked.

"Eh," he winked and rubbed his stomach, "well, I try."

I snorted and grabbed my jacket which was lying on the floor and instantly felt dizzy. Jordan looked concerned, grabbing me and holding me carefully.

"Are you okay, Jase?"

"Yeah, just a little lightheaded." I admitted. Jordan frowned.

"You should eat." He suggested slowly.

"Shut up." I said coldly, pulling my arms from his grasp and walking away from him. Jordan sighed heavily and followed me. He knew where I was going.

The music room.

He smiled as I sat at the baby grand piano, flickering my fingers over the keys.

He nudged me and I glanced at his whirring hands. What song, love?

Oh, Jordan. He always could pull the signing and win my heart over again, making me remember when we first met, falling in love with him over again.

Whichever one you want. I signed back. One that makes you think of me.

Jordan grinned and sat next to me, fiddling with the keys a little. How about the one I asked you to marry me with?

Dick move. I replied. You asked me to marry you with that song that literally asked me to marry you.

And you still said yes. Jordan laughed. So, I'll play 'our song', and you'll like it.

I rolled my eyes, pretending that I was annoyed with him, but in all reality, I was swooning.

Jordan's fingertips grazed the keyboard and I found myself going into my normal position when he played piano for me.

I had gotten so small that I could sit in Jordan's lap, his arms reaching under mine to reach the keys and his head rested in the crook of my neck as I sat cross legged on his lap, holding myself up.

As Jordan played, he murmured the lyrics in my ear making me smile faintly.

"Forever can never be long enough for me, to feel like I've had long enough with you, forget the world now, we won't let them see, but there's one thing left to do," Jordan kissed my ear and I giggled as it tickled and I nuzzled into him, loving his touch, "now that the weight has lifted, love has surely shifted my way...marry me, today and everyday, marry me, if I ever get the nerve to say 'hello' in this cafe, say you will."

Jordan continued to sing, and he kissed me again when the bridge came, so I continued the song with him.

"Promise me you'll always be, happy by my side, I promise to sing to you, when all the music dies,"

Jordan paused, his breath hitching a little. I smiled and turned my head a little, kissing his cheek. "Marry me." I sang softly. Jordan grinned and took a deep breath, winking as he continued the song, singing each individual note like it was the end of the world.

When the song ended, Jordan's hands fell still on the piano's keys, his fingers twitching on them easily.

"Jordan?" I whispered. Jordan looked down at me, smiling.

"Yes, Jasey?"

"Did you ever wonder what happened to Tay?" I questioned aloud. Jordan chuckled, shaking his head.

"No." His fingers hit random keys of a random song making my eyes follow his every move on the piano. It was hard to believe he had hit me with those soft hands. I tried not to think about it a lot, but right now, it seemed to be the only thing I thought about.

I was thinking about ending it for a while, and I was hoping the feelings would go away, but realizing that I couldn't force the thoughts out of my mind, I knew I had to fix them once and for all.

Jordan finally dropped his hands on the keys and I turned a little, my nose brushing against his cheek. "Jordan?"


"Jordan, I love you." I said, truly sorry. Jordan looked a little confused when he recognized my tone.

"I love you too, Jase." He told me seriously. "Are you okay?"

I only gave him my famous smiles, the one that no one could read. Not even Cameron.

"I'm perfect." I whispered, as I screamed 'NO' in my head. "I'm absolutely perfect."

Bonus chappy #1 for you. Hope you liked it !!

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