Chapter Eight: Misguided Ghosts

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"Jordan, can you pass the the baby formula?" I asked, gesturing to the stove with my shoulder. Jordan nodded and poured some into a bottle. He pressed his hand to the bottle and frowned. 

"How can you tell if its too hot?" He questioned. I laughed. 

"Does it feel too hot?"


"Then you're good." 

"Oh." Jordan laughed, bringing the bottle over. I smiled and started feeding Toby. I noticed Jordan was staring at me, so I turned to him, smiling. 

"D'ya wanna feed him?" I asked softly. Jordan looked shocked. 

"Can I?" 

"Yeah." I chuckled, handing Toby to Jordan. Jordan looked down at his son and smiled quietly as he gently brought the bottle to the baby's lips. I closed my eyes and sat back in my chair. Cameron and I had just gotten into an argument about random shit and I needed to call him. 

Jordan and I already talked about how it wasn't fair for me to stop seeing Cam because of our history, so he and I decided to try out a friendship before we even considered a relationship because I still had feelings for Cam. 

My phone gave out a single beep letting me know I had received a text. 

-it's Ben. Cams fucked. Get on Skype. Danny's been callin you for ages- 

I gave Jordan a weary look before standing up. 

"What's happening?" 

"Danny said for me to Skype him." I said tiredly, trudging to the office. "Watch Toby for me?" 

He nodded and I walked off to find go to the office. I logged into Cam's account and found that Danny WAS trying to call me. Rolling my eyes, I answered the call. 


"Shh!" Danny hushed. "I can't let Cam know you're on." He sighed and looked down. From the position, I knew he was on his app on his phone, not the laptop. I stayed silent and Danny walked quietly to the back lounge. He brought his phone up and I saw the scene in front of me. 

Cam was laying on the couch, his head resting in the lap of Sam's. Cam gave a heavy sigh and cleared his throat. 

"Danny? Did you grab me a beer?"

"Yeah, mate." Danny said innocently, handing Cam a beer. Cam grunted, sitting up, taking the alcoholic beverage. "So, what's up with Jasey?"

"She's fucking around." Cam snapped, his eyes rolling slightly. "Fucking with me, fucking with Jordan, everyone." Cam shook his head dramatically taking a sip of his drink. 

"When's she leaving?" Danny asked. My stomach clenched. Was Cam kicking me out? But Cameron only sighed loudly.

"She can leave now, for all I care." Cam said, his eyes on something beyond Sam. Danny shifted his phone slightly and my eyes landed on a young girl who was barely clothed, passed out. 

"Was she good?" Danny asked smugly. Cam grinned. 

"Really good." Cam nodded. "Tight as hell." 

I let out a snort and hung up on Danny's call. Of course, Cam's version of retaliation was to cheat on me. I wasn't even going to kiss Jordan, and Cam slept with a fucking groupie? 

"Oh my God." Jordan's voice whispered. I jumped and looked up to see Jordan standing behind me. I flinched and sat up from the chair. "Jasey-"

I turned away quickly, feeling my hands shake dramatically. Calm down, calm down, calm down. 

Don't Try To Fight The Storm *Part Three Of Kidnapped By Bring Me The Horizon* [✔]Where stories live. Discover now