Memories Of Jasey 2

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So I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd give you another short memory;) love you!



Before Tobias


Jordan's gentle snoring lulled me into a sense of equilibrium. The only reason a word like 'equilibrium' even fits in my vocabulary is because I had forgotten to take my insomnia meds, and I got philosophical when I was tired.

I was pregnant with my baby. We didn't know the gender yet. We wanted it to be a surprise.

Jordan was set on naming it Toby if it was a boy, and Shona if it was a girl. I actually really loved both names, but I was leaning more towards Tobias, instead of just 'Toby'. Toby sounded like a pet's name rather than a child's.

Jordan's arm tightened a little around my waist as he tossed about a bit in his sleep before returning to his unconscious state. I rolled my eyes and continued on thinking about our baby.

The boys all put bets on the baby. Cameron and I had become closer after Jordan had to go on more tours. Since i didn't have to hide anymore, I just stayed at Jordan's place, and I got pretty damned lonely, so Cameron offered to hang out with me when Jordan was on tour. Jordan didn't really seem to mind it; he actually encouraged it, because he still didn't like the idea of me being alone.

Anyway, Sam, Ben, Cam, Vegan, and Lee each put $20 on the baby being a boy; leaving Danny, James, Matt, Oli, and Jordan to put $20 on the baby being a girl. I wasn't too happy that they were putting money on the birth of my first child, but hey, as long as the baby was healthy, that's all I could ask for.

Jordan grunted in his sleep and he slowly sat up, blinking the sleep from his eyes.

"Mm babe, why are you awake?" He asked, his voice gravelly and deep from not using it.

"I just can't." I replied a bit louder than him. "Too many voices in my head."

"Hmm." Jordan said tiredly, leaning down and pressing his lips to my ear. "Pst. Voices. Leave my girlfriend alone. She deserves sleep. She's gonna be a momma soon."

"Great." I groaned. "That's what the voices are talking about."

"Well, shit, kid." Jordan chuckled, kissing my ear and laying down on top of me, carefully avoiding my slightly bulging belly. "Sorry 'bout that."

"Whatever." I sighed. Jordan smirked and kissed my cheek.

"I love you, Jasey."

"I love you too, Jordan."

Jordan was quiet as he just breathed, filling the silence with his steady breaths. I thought he had fallen asleep, but he shocked me when he spoke.

"Jase...I was thinking...well, I had a bad dream. And it got me thinking." Jordan nuzzled his head slightly into my shoulder.

"What is it?" I asked, drowsiness finally falling on me.

"Well...did you...did you have sex with Cameron while I was on tour for the first time you were there?"

The question was so out of the blue and accusatory that I sat up, my mouth falling open.

"Jordan...seriously, what the fuck?" I snapped. Jordan sat up too, his eyebrows drawing together in annoyance.

"Just answer the question." He mumbled.

"No, Jordan. I didn't fuck Cam. I thought we were exclusive then. Why?" I hissed. "Did you fuck some groupie slut while you were away?"

"No." Jordan growled, crossing his arms over his chest. "I didn't. I discovered you were pregnant while you were with him. I'm just wondering what could have provoked you to take a test. Did you guys fuck without a condom?"

I scoffed in disgust, throwing the covers off me and standing up from the bed.

"If I remember correctly," I seethed, "you fucked me without a condom." Fcvjk

"Well, I was just thinking. That's all." Jordan grunted. "Come back to bed."

"No." I snorted. "There's no fucking way I want to sleep in the same bed with you after you accused me for cheating on you. What the fuck? I'm sleeping on the couch."

And with that, I turned on my heel and stormed out to the living room where a not so comfy couch sat in front of the TV.

I grabbed the blanket hanging off the back and wrapped myself up in it before plopping down on the cushions and huffing angrily.

I waited there for about 20 minutes, hoping sleep would come, but I was too pissed to even close my eyes for more than a minute.

I heard soft footsteps and a sigh from behind me.

"Get up." Jordan said, his voice low and quiet.

"No. Go away." I snapped. Jordan sighed again, this time, impatiently.

"Well, you're doing this whole 'I'm pissed off at you' thing wrong."

"What the fuck do you mean?" I glared at him. His tired eyes closed for a moment before he glanced at me apologetically.

"The man is supposed to sleep on the couch, smothered in shame."

"No need to be sexist too." I grumbled. Jordan's lips twitched at the corners as if he was fighting a smile.

"I'm not being sexist. Truth is, I'm just worried about my pregnant girlfriend sleeping on a shitty couch when there's a perfectly good bed she can sleep on and have all to herself and her fuck up of a boyfriend gets to sleep on the shitty couch." He looked hopefully at me.

"Well I'm not moving." I told him stubbornly.

He shrugged. "Fine. I'll just have to make sure you're comfy."

Jordan sat himself next to me and pulled me into his arms. I reluctantly relaxed in his embrace and sighed loudly.

"I'm sorry I accused you of cheating on me with Cameron." Jordan said slowly. "I'm just so paranoid. You're too good for me."

I snorted. "Fuck no. I'm worthless." The pit in my stomach grew deeper as I admitted my own true worth out loud. Jordan kissed my neck.

"Jasey, you're worth the whole entire universe."

"That's a lie." I said bitterly. Jordan smiled against my skin bringing a blush to my cheeks.

"Yeah? Well, you're my entire universe." He said with a cheesy tone.

I made gagging noises. "Ugh, Jordan, too much sappy!"

"But it's true, Jasey," he crooned. "I fucking love you, darling. Don't ever leave me. Please."

I swallowed hard. "I'll never leave you, Jordan."

He kissed my skin again and he held me against him as our breathing slowed and sleep crept up on us.

"I forgive you, by the way." I mumbled tiredly as the drowsiness washed over me. "And I love you."

Jordan chuckled. "I love you too, Jasey. And I also love you, my $100-Bet-Baby-Princess." His hand landed on my belly, stroking it a little with his thumb.

"Hey! He's my $120-Bet-Baby-Boy!" I argued. Jordan scoffed.

"It's definitely a girl." He told me.

"It's definitely a boy." I replied. "Mother's instincts. I know it's a boy."

Jordan rolled his eyes. "Be prepared to be $20 lighter, Jasey."

"Back at you, Jordan." I laughed, sticking out my tongue. Jordan laughed too, pecking my shoulder.

"Oh, it is so on, Jasey."

Don't Try To Fight The Storm *Part Three Of Kidnapped By Bring Me The Horizon* [✔]Where stories live. Discover now