A New Lead

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Two black SUVs loudly arrived at the Addams resident with their sirens blasting. Hotch, Morgan, JJ, Reid, Rossi and Prentiss exited their vehicles and cautiously walk up to the door. "FBI, open up," Hotch said sternly. A bruised women appeared at the door. "Can I help you?" She asked.
"We're from the FBI, we wanted to know if we could ask you a few questions. Could we come in?" Rossi asked politely. The women slowly backed away. Just as the BAU team entered the house, a gunfire rang, and the women dropped to the floor. Immediately, the team drew their weapons and started making their way through the house. JJ went to check the women's pulse but didn't find one. "She's gone," JJ said as she got up and continued to follow Emily. They saw a man jump through a window and escape. He was gone in an instant so they couldn't go after him. Just as they rounded a corner, another shot sounded. JJ and Emily fired back at the opponent, who fell to the ground with a thump. However, right as he fell, another man took his spot and began shooting at the girls. Hotch shot the man from behind and he quickly fell to the ground. The team cleared the rest of the house and by the time CSI got there, they already had the people  killed identified as Kate Addams  and two of her older brothers, Nick and Joe. Two of her brothers were MIA, and nowhere to be found. The team headed back to the BAU to regroup and try and figure out where the other brothers were. Once they got there, everyone but Emily headed back to the rounded table room. As Emily approached her desk, she noticed that Juliet was sleeping comfortably in her chair. The girl's book was still in her hands. Emily carefully removed the book and placed it on her desk. Then she picked up Juliet and brought her to Garcia's room.
"Hey she fell asleep, do you mind watching her until we're done?" Prentiss asked.
"Of course not, you can put her on that couch," Garcia said pointing to the corner of her room. Prentiss laid down the sleeping girl and walked away. She returned to her team in time to find out they would be holding a press conference in an hour to try and find Kyle and Ryan Addams. Before they held the conference, two men walked into the BAU asking for someone in charge. Hotch walked out to meet them. They introduced themselves as Kyle and Ryan Addams. Immediately, Hotch put cuffs on them and read them their rights.
"You are under arrest for murder. You have the right to remain silence, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, if you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you-"
Kyle interrupted Hotch by saying, "Woah what do you mean, we never killed anyone."
"Oh yeah what about Rebecca and Dylan and Cody?"
"No, you got it all wrong we were trying to save the kids from the Williams. After Kate told us what happened, the four of us went to the Williams to get the kids out. Once we got there, Mr. Williams shot and killed the boys, so Joe and Nick grabbed the girls and put them in the truck. Then one got loose and we tried chasing her, but then Mr. Williams shot the girl we had and killed her. He was about to shoot us, so we left. When we got home, we knew the Williams were going to come after us so we got armed and waited. Today Ryan and I went out to work while Nick and Joe stayed home with Kate to protect her. When we got home, CSI was there and told us to come here." By this point, the rest of the team was with Hotch listening to Kyle.
"How do we know you're not lying. We need proof of what happened that night. And why did your brothers shoot at us when we got there?" Ryan finally spoke up, "They might have thought you were the Williams. We were all really paranoid."
"Well we're going to need more than that to just let you go. Write out your full statement and well talk to you then," Hotch said after motioning for two police officers to escort them out. They were going to be kept in custody until the team figured out a way to back up their story or find it untrue. They returned to the conference room and continued to work. They kept working and it was about four o'clock when Garcia busted in the room panicked. "Emily, it's Juliet! I don't know what to do."
"Slow down Garcia, what's going on?" Emily asked a bit worried.
"She was perfectly fine sleeping one second then the next she was like screaming crying in her sleep and I can't wake her up," Penelope explained. Prentiss got up and followed Garcia back to her office. The rest of the team was concerned and went with them. Juliet was on the couch tossing and turning. She kept saying the word "no" over and over again. Tears were streaming down her face and everyone in the room was shocked to find her like this. Emily rushed to the girl's side and started waking her up.
"Juliet. Wake up, honey. It's okay," she kept saying and soon enough Juliet's eye shot open. Juliet got up and looked around at all the people staring at her. Then she turned to Emily and said, "I'm fine, it was just a bad dream. You can go back to work." She got up and started walking towards the bathroom leaving Prentiss sitting on the couch speechless. Emily didn't know what to do, so she just got up and went back to work with her team.
"Em what's going on with Juliet?" JJ asked concerned.
"She's just having a bad day I think," Prentiss replied. The whole team except Garcia left. She waited patiently for Juliet to return. When Juliet entered the room Garcia asked her, "What was your dream about?"
"Oh nothing, just about the Williams," Juliet responded avoiding eye contact. "That's a lie. What was it really about?" Garcia asked a bit more harshly. Juliet didn't respond. Her eyes started to fill up. This time, Garcia changed her question.
"Was it about Emily?"
Juliet froze and she slowly nodded her head as she let her tears fall.
"Lately, they've all been about her," Juliet admitted.
"How so?" Penelope wondered. Juliet looked up and said in a serious voice, "She always dies in them. I think it's because this is the first time in a long time that I began to trust someone again. So now I'm scared that she's going to leave me or something bad will happen."
Garcia's heart broke and she felt like crying herself.
"Oh honey, nothing is going to happen to you or Emily. You're both safe," Penelope said as she pulled Juliet in for a hug.

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