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JJ had wide eyes as she watched Juliet run away from her. She didn't know what to make of it.
"Henry, are you ready to go home?" she asked looking down at her son. Henry smiled and nodded his head sweetly at his mother. She stood up and Henry grabbed her hand. They walked out of the park and got into their car to head home.

After dropping Henry off with Will, JJ drove back to the BAU to meet up with her team. Once she arrived Hotch greeted her,
"JJ we're leaving tonight for New York. We were officially asked to help out in the investigation."
"What time?" she asked.
Hotch looked back at her,
"The plane leaves at seven."
She nodded and made her way to Emily's desk. Prentiss was looking through the files on her desk and was very concentrated on them. She didn't even notice JJ approaching her desk. "Em?" JJ asked quietly. The brunette looked up.
"Oh hey JJ. How was your lunch with Henry?"
"Good." JJ didn't know if she should tell her friend about running into Juliet it not. Before she had the chance to decide, Reid interrupted saying Hotch wanted to meet everyone in five minutes in the round table room.
"We better go, don't want to upset the boss," Emily said before getting up and walking away from JJ. JJ knew her friend, and she knew Emily was hurting. Prentiss did such a good job hiding her real emotions from the team, or at least she thinks so. JJ silently followed her to meet up with Hotch.
"I just wanted to make sure everyone knows we're meeting here at six thirty and the planes leaves at seven," Hotch stated once everyone arrived. They all agreed and looked back to Hotch who continued, "And just so you know, this is a really tough case. 13 kidnappings and kills in only 5 weeks. I'm giving you the rest of the day off to prepare for this case. That's all for now, I'll see you all later." With that, Hotch left the room. Emily watched her teammates leave the BAU one by one. She noticed something was off about JJ though. Anyways, she left too and returned back to her empty apartment. Prentiss walked through the door, put her keys down and went to her room. She began packing her travel bag. Emily still wasn't unpacked completely from London. While she was away, she tried to convince herself that Juliet was better off without her, and probably more safe too. However, it killed her, not knowing what Juliet was going through and she constantly found herself thinking of the girl and what she could be doing at that very moment. After packing, Prentiss decided to take a walk into Juliet's old room. She didn't change a thing since the day Juliet left. Everything was still in place, except for the girl's clothes and books of course. Right when Emily walked into the child's abandoned room, her heart dropped. She hadn't been in that room since she packed up Juliet's stuff, and being in there at the moment brought back all of Emily's memories of the sweet girl. A tear slipped out of Emily's eyes and many more followed. Soon, she was full on crying and she didn't even know why. Prentiss tried so hard to stay strong and move on, but she just couldn't. She thought coming back to the BAU and getting back to her job would help, but truth is, it made it worse. She was actually getting used to living in London and she even stopped crying everyday for the last week. But right now, in this moment she forgot all about how far she came from letting go of Juliet, and right now she wanted nothing more than to hold the little girl in her arms and protect her. Emily was taken out of her thoughts from a knock at the door. She quickly tried to recompose herself and wiped sways her tears as she walked over to the door.
"Emily it's me," the voice sounded. Prentiss opened the door and immediately hugged the person on the other side. Reid hugged her back and was surprised by her. Once she pulled away, he could see she had been crying. "Emily, what's wrong?" Reid asked full of concern. He knew it must've had to be about Juliet.
"I can't do this anymore," she cried. "What can't you do anymore?" Reid wanted to know.
"I can't live here and not be able to see Juliet. I just can't," she stuttered. Reid held on to his friend and just stayed like that until she calmed down enough. Finally she stopped crying and Reid was able to get her talking. They were now sitting at Emily's table. Reid got her a glass of water and asked,
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Emily took a sip and replied,
"No, at least not now."
"Then when, Emily?"
She didn't answer him. Instead she asked him a question,
"Why did you come here?"
"I wanted to see how you were. I knew coming back must've been hard and I missed you," Reid said with a little smile. Emily truly did love this guy, but it was like a brotherly love. She smiled back at Reid. They spent the rest of the afternoon talking about what Emily missed when she was gone. Finally, it was nearly six thirty so Reid and Emily left together to go meet their team. Once they got there, they immediately got on the plane, to find the rest of their team already aboard.

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