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Emily woke up at six the next morning. They didn't have to leave until seven, so she decided to let Juliet sleep a little longer. Prentiss remembered about all her thoughts from the night before. Having Juliet at her house and in her care felt so right, and Emily loved the idea of being a mom. She especially liked how she was able to help Juliet and calm her down when she got anxious, or scared. Plus, she never remembered having her mom there to do things like that. So for Emily to be able to comfort Juliet, like a mom would, was a great feeling for her. Prentiss looked down at the still sleeping child and smiled to herself. Juliet was still cuddled up really close to her and Emily's arm was around the girl protectively. Prentiss couldn't help herself from running her fingers through the small girl's hair. She loved playing with Juliet's hair. It was long and smooth, just like hers. Juliet woke up a little and realized what Emily was doing. She smiled and moved in even closer to Emily. Prentiss felt the girl shift a little closer to her, and looked down to find a pair of big brown eyes staring back at her.
"Oh sorry, did I wake you?" Prentiss asked.
"No," Juliet replied.
Prentiss stopped stroking the girl's hair and just put her arms around her like a hug. They stayed like that for at least 20 minutes. Neither of them spoke, they just enjoyed each other's company. Finally Emily knew it was time to get up and get ready to go back to work. It was already Friday so that meant she would be able to spend the weekend with Juliet. After they ate breakfast, Juliet went back to her room to get changed and so did Prentiss. After Emily finished getting changed and doing her hair and makeup, Juliet walked into her room with a red shirt and jeans on with black flats. They were almost matching because Emily had on a red shirt and dark pants too. Juliet walked over to Emily and asked, "Can you braid my hair?" Prentiss smiled,
"Of course I can." Juliet stood up in front of Emily, who began doing a french braid straight down. Once she was finished Juliet thanked her and walked out. They left the apartment and arrived at the BAU promptly at seven o'clock. They arrived hand in hand, as usual. Emily dropped Juliet off at her desk, and met up with her team. She peeked her head in Hotch's office to see him, Dave and JJ were in there talking.
"Hey Hotch. I just wanted to let you know that we're here." Hotch looked up and said strictly,
"Prentiss we need to talk."
Emily walked in saying,
"If it's about Juliet. I think-"
Hotch cut her off.
"It's Kyle and Ryan Addams. They were found dead in their cells this morning. Both gun shot to the head. Ballistics confirmed it was the same gun used to kill Kate Addams at her house, but it didn't belong to either of the guns her brothers had on them or in the house." "So they were telling the truth. The Williams killed the boys and Rebecca?" Prentiss wondered aloud.
"Looks like it," Rossi replied.
"So where does that leave us?" Prentiss asked.
"It leaves us with the Williams/Smiths. They're our number one target and if we catch them, then we can wrap up this case," Hotch stated confidently. "Sounds like a plan," JJ said. They were interrupted by yelling coming from the center of the BAU. The team walked out to see what was going on. A women, about mid to late 40s, was standing in the middle of the BAU holding a gun on Juliet. Juliet was sitting at Emily's desk facing the women who held a gun to her head. Reid was standing behind Juliet trying to talk to the women. Emily's eyes widened and she felt a mixture of different emotions all at once. Finally it hit her, the lady with the gun was Janet Smith aka Mrs. Williams. The team walked down the steps slowly and walked toward the scene. Emily could hear Juliet crying and it shattered her heart, and everyone else's in the room. Garcia joined them and was scared to see what was going to happen. She was standing next to Morgan, who was behind Reid's desk, which was right next to Emily's.
"Janet, put the gun down," Reid said calmly once more.
"Why should I listen to you? Where is my son?," she screamed, frightening the girl even more.
"Don't you know? Your husband killed him," Reid explained, walking closer to her.
"Back up or I'll kill Juliet right here. And you're lying. William told me you took him," she shrieked. Reid started to back up and said,
"Listen, I just want to talk."
Emily began to get even more anxious. She didn't want the last thing for her to see is Janet's face. Immediately, she pulled her gun out and had it pointed directly at Janet's head. The rest of their team had their guns fixed on Janet, too. In fact everyone in the BAU had their guns pointed on her. Emily knew it would be better if she lived, so they could get her to talk. Janet kept her gun trained on Juliet but was distracted by Reid.
"Speak," she demanded.
"What do you want to know?" Reid asked.
"Where is my boy? Where's Dylan?" Janet trembled.
"I told you, he's dead," Reid replied calmly. Janet started to weep and she finally realized her child was gone. "Can I see him?" Janet asked.
"Well maybe if you put down the gun, we can work something out," Spencer offered. Janet took a moment to think. She started lowering the gun, but something in her head made her change her mind. She grew angry and shouted, "You liar, you're trying to trick me. Dylan can't be dead!"
With that she reached for the trigger, and a blast sounded through the BAU, piercing everyone's ears.

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