chp. 14 - done

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skylars pov

jacob👌🏻😍❤️- we're over

i just stopped. i didn't know what to do. i knew no one was at his house because we live right next to each other and i can see into his room. that's how i knew it was his decision. i cried and cried and cried. i couldn't stop. at one point tyler came in and cuddled with me but then he fell asleep so i brought him to his room.

it was 12:04 am so i knew i had to go to sleep. i went to close the window and curtains. as i walked over i felt more tears come down. my face was was red and tear stained. jacob was inside of his room on his phone on his bed. he looked up at me. no tear stained cheeks. no puffy eyes. nothing. that made me cry harder. a slammed the window shut and closed the curtains. it was pretty hard to get over there because of my ankle. i remembered my mom was coming home later so i would tell her then. i laid down and slowly cried myself to sleep.

*next morning*

i woke up still tear stained. i hobbled into my bathroom and managed to take a shower. i got out and changed into a stitch tank top crop top and dark high waisted shorts. i attempt to walk down the stairs and tell my mom about my ankle. she said she'll take me to the doctors. "hey mom?" i asked in the car. "yes sweetie" she said. "me and jacob broke up" i managed to get out. "what? i thought you two were inseparable!" she exclaimed. "so did i" i mumbled.

we finally got to the doctors and we were in the waiting room. "Skylar Anne Ranson" i heard. we got up and my mom helped me over. they were asking me a bunch of questions about my ankle and about me. "so when and why do you think this happened?" the doctor asked. "um well i was at a football game yesterday and my ex-boyfriend pushed me down onto the ground and i landed on my ankle wrong and plus it's been hurting for a couple months." i told her. she nodded her head and wrote everything down.

we walked into the ex-ray room and we ex-rayed my foot. "you sprained your ankle sweetie. you shouldn't put much pressure on it for a while. we'll make another appointment for you ok?" she said. i nodded my head as she handed me crutches. it took some getting use to of the crutches. they also gave me a brace for it and in a couple of months, i would have to wear a boot since i sprained it pretty bad. we were in the car driving home with only the sound of the music until i spoke, "mom an i stay home for a while?". "yes honey." she said. "really?!" i asked excitedly. "yes. you should take some time off for you ankle and because of your break up."thanks mom" i said hugging her.

it's been 4 hours since i got home. all i've done is sit in my room on my bed. i haven't gotten up yet. i haven't eaten at all today. except for an apple. my window was open because my mom insisted that i get some fresh air. i can hear jacob in his room broadcasting. i guess he just got on because i heard, "hey guys" (A/N idk what he actually says tho) i got a notification saying he was live and decided to watch even tho i can hear from his room. i started watching and as soon as i got on i guess he was talking about me because people started commenting,
skylars watching
she's watching
ew b*tch go away

then i heard, "get the f*ck off my broadcast skylar!!" i guess it was muted because no one knew what he was saying. so i just commented,
bye guys😕

i got up and went into the bathroom. was i really gonna do this again? it's been 3 years. do i want to? he told me not to. but he caused this. i picked up the blade with shaking hands, brought it to my wrist, and dropped it. i couldn't do it. what was my reason? then i faintly heard, "she's a cheater. once a cheater, always a cheater. skylar will never change". well thanks jacob. i decided just to do one small cut on my finger that was it wasn't to obvious. it hurt. pretty bad. i don't remember it ever hurting this much. it was odd. i got dizzy from the pain and fell to the ground. it kinda made a big noise i guess because jacob stopped talking and looked over a me. at this point there was more blood than expected because i hit my head on the way down. i just laid there because i couldn't get back up. jacob was just looking at me not caring and then returned to him broadcast.

i had my phone next to me and i guess it was still on his broadcast. i looked at the comment section.
what was that

are you ok

i bet it was that stupid attention seeking b*tch skylar

he looked over at me. i was crying more now than before. no one was home now so it was just me. "it was nothing guys." he said. i finally worked up enough strength to get up. i cleaned up my finger and put a bandage on it. i also cleaned up the bathroom floor. then i took a shower to try to get the blood out of my hair. when i was done i changed into grey nike joggers and a flowy crop top.

then i drifted off to sleep

-983 words-

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