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(A/N i'm just gonna change to numbers)

-3 days later-

its been 3 days. i decided to not take a break from school. jacob hasn't talked to me. in fact i haven't seen him. me and kaylee are currently driving to school since i can't drive or ride the bus. we get out of the car and go towards the school. the first person i see is jacob. i guess he's back. he stares me down with disgust. i just look down.

i walk into school, well crutch into school, and go to my locker. so far, no beatings. since i always put everything in my backpack i can just go around by myself. i get to class and take my seat which is now in the front so it's easier for me.

-skip to 4th period-

it's 4th period and i ask my teacher if i can use the restroom. she says yes and i go. on my way back to the room i see mark and blake walking towards me. i know what they're gonna do so i just walk over to them. they're shocked at first but then they start. i'm on the ground until mark helped me up. i guess he's not to bad...

then they move back and look at me. "is this what you wanted?" i asked. they just stool there confused. "did you want me and jacob to break up so you could beat me without worry?!" i rose my voice and looked up. "he broke up with you?" blake asked. "why?" mark asked. "at the football game after you two beat me and caleb came up to us he saw me and caleb hugging thought i was cheating on him. i don't even like caleb. he's just a friend. and then on his broadcast he said i was a cheater and then he said once a cheater always a cheater and i don't know what he's talking about because i never cheated on him!! i don't know who gave him that idea." i finished.

they both looked down. "we have to confess something..." blake started. they told me everything. everything since 7th grade. then i went to the nurse because my ankle started hurting again and it was unbearable.


that was the bell i got up and went to lunch.

*after school*
so schools over for the day and now i'm at stella's house. we're watching Bridesmaids on Netflix. after watching it that and Revenge of the Bridesmaids my mom called me and told me she was on her way to get me for cheer practice. yes i still have to go to practice but no it's not for school. i do competitive cheerleading for Top Gun. not to brag but we are pretty good.

my mom gets here and i say bye to stella. right now we're on our way to the practice. kaylee cheers with me too but she drives herself. i normally drive myself or her too but right now i can't. i wish i could because i really hate driving with my mom. she really doesn't care about me to much. that's why i normally ride with kaylee but today she had to do something after school and said she'd tell me later. "kaylee will take me home" i said getting out of the car. "that boy jacob was right to break up with you fatty" was the last thing i heard before i started walking into the building. i tried holding my tears back but as soon as as i walked in i just started crying. i ran into the room i go into when i'm sad or crying. i was in there all alone until i saw someone walk into the dark room. "are you ok" i heard a guy say. i couldn't tell who it was so i guess he was new. "no" i whispered. he turned the lights on and came in. he shut the door and sat next to me. "what's wrong?" he asked. "who are you" i said completely off subject. "oh i'm Ryan San. i'm new here. and you are?" he said. "wait ryan?" i asked. "yes?" he said. "omg we were friends" i said laughing through the tears. "skylar it's you?" "yep" i said. "ok so tell me what happened.

i told him he was shocked. then kaylee walked in. then i told her and she fixed my make up and we went into practice.

-747 words-
not as long but i needed to post something. also i was going thru some of my old chapters and fixed them a bit.

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