i. the one where peter disappears

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❝ we're all trying to forget someone ❞

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we're all trying to forget someone


oliver knew that peter wasn't home. he hadn't been at school for at least a week. hadn't texted or called oli to tell him where he was. aunt may had said that he was away at an internship with tony stark, which was something that peter hadn't told oliver about either. it seemed like peter had been keeping a lot of things to himself lately. oliver always knew that he had secrets, hell oli had some of his own. but he never disappeared for a week without a word. so now oliver was in peter's bedroom, lying on the bed that he'd spent many nights sitting on watching star wars with his best friend. he'd searched peter's room at least six times to try and find any hint of peter's whereabouts and why he'd left oliver without so much as a goodbye.

there was a knock at the door an may peered through. "oli you're mum's here" she said, a look of pity covering her face as oliver sat up and scooped his bag off the floor. he swung it over his shoulder and stuffed his hands into his pockets, walking past aunt may with his eyes locked on the floor. he didn't want to look at her because he knew that he'd burst into tears if he did. his mum was standing at the front door, still in her nurse scrubs with her arms crossed over her chest. "let's go home buddy" she said, reaching her arm out and wrapping it around oliver's shoulder. oli turned back to aunt may, "could yo-" "as soon as he gets home i'll order him to call you" aunt may cut him off and he gave her a sad smile.

"you want takeout? it might cheer you up?" his mum asked, squeezing his shoulder as they walked towards the elevator together. "i don't think takeout will cheer me up but sure mum." ms. fields looked at her son. he looked like he hadn't slept in days and he spent most of his time with his cell phone clutched in his hand so tightly that she thought he might shatter it. the whole 'peter disappearing without a word' thing was really starting to take it's toll on him. oliver had never spent this long without talking to peter and she was sure that it was starting to mess with his anxiety. "i think he's ignoring me mum" oliver finally spoke up as they entered the elevator. "honey i don't think he is. he's your best friend after all." oliver sighed heavily.

"that's the thing though. i know that and i'm sure he knows that and still i'm left here with no understanding of the situation. he didn't even tell me that he had an internship with tony stark. he normally tells me everything." ms. fields frowned at him, sadness overcoming her chest. "maybe mr. stark needed it to be top secret" she said and oliver shrigged, "would've been nice to know that he was leaving though. i didn't need to know where he was going or anything." there was so much pain present in oliver's voice that it rocked his mum to the core. they were silent for the rest of the way home and all oliver could think of was the fact that if they truely were best friends then peter shouldn't be treating him like this.

oliver hated walking to class in the morning by himself. he usually had peter beside him, ranting away about some chemical whatever, oli never really understood him. midtown tech was a school for braniacs of all sorts. it just so happened that oliver was more of a right-brain orientated nerd. art, english and music were his strong suits, whereas peter was good with numbers. he guessed that's why they fit so well as a pair. he tried to focus on the chatter of the students around him in order to keep his mind off of the thought of peter. "oli!" he heard someone call behind him and he turned to see mj running towards him, her short brown hair flicking in front of her face. she stopped beside him, chest heaving for breath before they began to walk again. "you heard from pete?" mj asked and oli's head snapped to the side, looking directly into her eyes. "no have you?" he knew he sounded frantic but he couldn't help it.

"no, nothing since before he left. i'm honestly surprised he didn't tell you anything" she said, looping her arm through oli's. "yeah that's what aunt may said. and my mum. and gwen. and harry. i'm just tired of being worried about him all the time. he's been weird for the past six months and i don't know what to do." mj sighed as they turned the corner and headed towards advanced english. the pair of them walked in silence towards the classroom. oli honestly didn;t feel like talking about peter. he didn't even want to think about him because his brain kept creating scenarios in which peter ran to oliver and kissed him the moment that he saw him again. oliver knew this would never happen but it was a constant though in his mind nowadays. he'd had a crush on peter from the day he turned 13 and for some reason he couldn't get over it.

"so anyway. are you gonna tell him when he gets home?" mary-jane's voice broke oliver's train of thought. he looked at the brunette and raised an eyebrow. "what are you talking about?" he asked and mj rolled her eyes. "i'm talking about your feelings for pete. are you gonna tell him they exist?" oliver sighed and shook his head. "he doesn't even know that i'm gay." mj stopped short and oliver turned to look at his friend. "you're telling me that you haven't told your best friend, the guy you've known since you were in diapers, that your a raging homosexual?" oliver couldn't help but chuckle at the statement as he turned around and took the last few steps to the classroom, pushing the door open for mj. he spotted harry osbourne in the back corner of the room and made his way towards him. "we're gonna talk about that later buddy. don't think you can get out of it" mj said, causing harry to look up.

"what are we talking about?" he asked and mj opened her mouth to speak but closed it the instant that she saw the glare oliver was shooting at her. "nothing it doesn't matter" she said and took a seat nest to the dark haired boy. "okay. anyway, check this out. somebody posted this on youtube this morning." he turned the screen of his laptop to the side a little so that mj and oliver could see what he was watching. "there was a fight at the airport yesterday between captain america and iron man at some airport in germany" harry said and the video played out of members of the avengers standing across from each other. captain america and iron man in front of them. "who's the guy in th ered and blue spandex suit?" mary-jane asked and oliver squinted at the video. "he said his name was spiderman or something. he looks like a kid our age" harry said and oliver rolled his eyes.

"wait. if tony stark is in germany fighting captain america then why did he take pete to avengers tower?" mj asked and oliver looked at her, concern flooding his body. god that boy was going to be the death of him.


author's note!
so this is the first chapter. i hope you enjoy the story. leave a comment and tell me what you think :)

𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛 ( 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛 )Where stories live. Discover now