iv. the one where they talk

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❝ we repeat what we don't repair ❞

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we repeat what we don't repair


                    the light from oliver's phone lit up his dark room. it was the late afternoon and the sun was setting through the other windows of the apartment but he'd closed his blackout curtains and turned all the lights off in his room. his phone had been buzzing over an over for the last three days. peter hadn't stopped texting or calling him since harry's party when oliver walked out on him. oli didn't want to speak. he was tired of speaking, of arguing, of explaining himself to peter. he didn't have the energy to do it anymore and it made him sad. so for the past three days he'd been avoiding all contact with peter. he even did everything in his power to keep away from him at school today. even if it meant literally running away from him when peter had spotted him from across the hall.

normally on a day like today he'd be walking around with peter as the boy took photos of everything. oliver never really understood peter's eye for photography but he was always happy to model for peter or join him on sunset chasing adventure. his phone buzzed again and he picked it up. there were at least 6 missed calls from peter and about 100 messages. he unlocked his phone and scrolled down to the most recent ones.

peter ( penis ) parker
oliver please pick up the
fucking phone
[delivered 3:09pm]

peter ( penis ) parker
we need to talk
[delivered 3:09pm]

peter ( penis ) parker
wow i sound like i'm trying
to break up with u
[delivered 3:11pm]

peter ( penis ) parker
not that you'd be a bad
boyfriend or anything
[delivered 3:12pm]

peter ( penis ) parker
that's not why i'd break
up with you
[delivered 3:12pm]

peter ( penis ) parker
why am i even saying this
we're not dating
[delivered 3:13pm]

peter ( penis ) parker
not that i wouldn't date you.
i'm just not interested in
guys like that
[delivered 3:14pm]

peter ( penis ) parker
jesus christ this keeps
getting worse
[delivered 3:14pm]

peter ( penis ) parker
oli i leave for academic
decathlon tomorrow and i'd
like to not leave without
seeing you. i want to fix this
[delivered 3:16pm]

peter ( penis ) parker
please just pick up so i
stop sending these dumb
fucking messages
[delivered 5:38pm]
[read 5:39pm]

𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛 ( 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛 )Where stories live. Discover now