vii. the one where they make up

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❛ even in silence there is chaos ❜

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even in silence there is chaos


oliver fields sux
hello spiderboy
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please stop
calling me that
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oliver fields sux
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should have left
you for dead
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oliver fields sux
you say that but you
don't mean it
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very true
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oliver fields sux
hah! i win!
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i'm pretty sure
you'd do the same
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oliver fields sux
very true
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anyway. what's up?
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oliver fields sux
you wanna come over?
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i can't right now
i'm in the middle
of something
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i'll call you later
i have to go
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oliver fields sux
oh okay. that's alright
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oliver fields sux
pete is everything
okay? you said you'd
call me. did
something happen?
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[read 5:06pm]

          oliver was worried. he was always worried, especially when it came to peter, but now that he new that he was spiderman it seemed to make everything ten times worse. he had been pacing his room for hours, only pausing to overthink another situation that peter could have ended up in. he couldn't help it. he loved peter. not only in the way that a friend loves a friend, but so much more as well. and he couldn't help but stress over the boy, even when he wasn't in grave danger. the sun was setting now and the voices on the radio in his room were becoming too much.

he was about to turn it off when he heard the news reporter speak the word "spider-man," so instead he turned it up. "— and with the help of tony stark, spider-man saved the ship and returned it to the dock. a few people were injured in the accident but they weren't severe injuries. thanks to iron-man and spider-man, these people can return home—" "can you turn it off oli?" a voice spoke behind the blonde boy and he turned to see his best friend standing in his doorway. his eyes were red and puffy and he was wearing pink hello kitty pj pants with a tourist t that was six sizes too big. oliver switched the radio off and turned to his best friend.

"peter what happened?" he asked as the brunette moved slowly into oliver's room and lay down on his double bed. "there's this guy. and he has these alien tech weapons that he's selling on the street and i've been trying to tell mr. stark about it but he wouldn't listen and—" peter's voice broke and the tears started to fall. oliver moved towards him and sat on his feet at the end of the bed, placing a comforting hand on peter's ankle as the other boy sobbed. "i tried to catch him in a deal. thought that maybe i could get him and hand him in to the cops but the weapon was too powerful and it tore the ferry in half. i did everything i could oli. it just wasn't enough." peter's whole body was shaking and oliver crawled up the bed so that he was lying next to his best friend.

"peter. you're just a kid. you can't control things that are out of your reach and that's okay—" "he took the suit oli. he took the suit and he looked me in the face and pretty much told me he was disappointed in me. i have nothing." oliver wrapped his arms around peter and the brunette instinctively nuzzled his face into oliver's neck. they'd spent a few nights like these over the years. when oli's dad ran off with some young model. when uncle ben died. "i wanted to be good enough for him." "you're good enough for me pete. and for aunt may. and for my mum." peter chuckled slightly at the last one and oliver reached up to wipe at the tears that were drying on peter's cheeks.

"i should call may and tell her where i am" peter said and then let out a soft yawn. "i will pete" oli said, moving away from the boy and resting his head on one of the pillows. "just go to sleep okay?" peter smiled sleepily at his friend and reached out to squeeze his hand. oliver felt a sharp pain shoot through his heart at the sight of his best friend so torn and vulnerable. he wanted to shield peter from every nasty thing in the world, even if he wasn't the one with cool superhero powers. he moved off the bed slowly and grabbed his phone off his desk, scrolling through it to find may's contact.

oliver? have you seen peter?
i've been calling him all day
and i called five different
police stations and i'm really worried. please tell me you've
seen him or he's sent you a text within the last hour please―

may breathe. breathe.
he's here. at my place.
he fell asleep and he
told me to tell you that
he's sorry for worrying
you. he lost the stark
internship today and he's
rather upset about it so
he came here. i'll get
him to call you in the
morning or you can come
over now if you want?
but he's safe. he'll
tell you more about it

oh thank god. thank god
he's okay. what happened on
the ferry made me panic and
i didn't know where he was
because he's been sneaking out
all the time and― sorry. i'm
glad he's safe and with you.
thank you oliver

hey. it's fine. i know
you'd both do the same
for me

he's lucky he has you.
he loves you, yanno. even
if he doesn't know it himself
just yet

oliver almost choked and he turned to look at his best friend who was passed out on his bed, cuddling the pillow oliver always used.

yeah well. i love
him too

and then may hung up the phone and oliver was left with his own thoughts.


author's note!
i'm so sorry this took so long to update eek! also sorry that it's such a terrible chapter yikes :/

𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛 ( 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛 )Where stories live. Discover now