v. the one where harry tries to fix it

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❝ i feel everything and it's too much ❞❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑

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i feel everything and it's too much

          it was like god had snapped his fingers. oliver was suddenly walking the hallways of school alone again. at least he knew where peter was this time, which was a slight improvement. he hadn't heard from him since he left for the decathlon but mj and gwen were keeping him updating on his behaviour, which they'd both described as flaky. the last that oli had heard of the boy was that he had failed to rock up to the competition all together. gwen had told oli not to worry, that he'd probably felt sick and stayed in bed and he wouldn't miss going to the washington monument later. oliver prayed that she was right.

oli was kind of happy that it was just him and harry back home. harry was never really one to discuss people's feelings with them. or discuss his own for that matter. it had taken oliver and peter months to force him to admit his crush on mj and he still hadn't done anything about it. oliver smiled to himself at the memory of him and peter practically tying harry to a chair and interrogating him. the blonde boy looked up from his phone and towards his locker. harry was leaning against it now, talking to some girl peter recognised from gym class. he rolled his eyes and pushed his way through the crowd of people.

he pressed himself against the cool metal and unlocked the door as harry dismissed the girl he was talking to. "hey oli" he said as oliver stuffed his tattered english book into his bag. "hey harry" he replied, shrugging his jacket off and hanging it in his locker before closing it and facing his friend. "nice shirt." harry grinned at oli and looked down at his shirt. it was pure red and had a tiny black symbol of a spider on the chest, just like the one on spider-man's suit. "the guys a beast" harry said as the pair began to walk to class. "and the chicks dig him too." oliver let out a soft chuckle and swung his backpack over his shoulder. "that wasn't what i wanted to speak to you about though" harry said after a few moments and oliver sighed, his mood dropping rapidly.

"you want to talk about peter?" he asked and harry nodded hesitantly. "we're fine dude-" "oli shut up. he's been gone for three days and all he's done is text me to ask if you're okay. he won't speak about anything else even when i asked him about the girls. he just wants to know if you're okay. what did you talk about when he went over?" oliver ran his fingers through his hair as they rounded the corner that lead to their english class. he didn't really want to talk about anything to do with peter at the moment. he just wanted to get through this year wihtout having a massive breakdown. he pushed the door open to their class in silence and moved towards their normal seats.

"you gonna tell me or what?" harry said and oliver dropped his head onto the desk, letting out a loud groan. "there's not much to tell" he said and he could practically sense the judgemental glare that harry was giving him. "really? cause you look fucking miserable and peter sounds stressed and you haven't spoken to each other in three days. something must've happened when he went over and i want to know" harry practically whined and oliver lifted his head up to look at his friend. "i told him how i felt the night of your party and he came over to talk about it. that was it. he told me that he didn't feel the same and i guess that i want to avoid him until it all goes away." harry looked like he was about to slap peter in the face.

"oli you-" "guys! check the news on your phone!" marie, the girl that sat in front of oliver in pretty much every class he had, was leaning back on her chair with an excited look covering her face. oliver pulled his phone out of his pocket and logged into the local news. the story at the very top was what caught his eye. SPIDER-MAN SAVES MIDTOWN HIGH STUDENTS AT WASHINGTON MONUMENT. he turned to harry who was already on the phone as he read through the article. "an explosion in the elevator of the Washington Monument caused a group of students and their teacher to be trapped in the broken shaft. luckily, spider-man came to the rescue and pulled the students out before disappearing." oliver read aloud and turned to harry. he hung up the phone and met oliver's eyes.

"mj wasn't inside and peter didn't show up. but gwen and flash are fine" he said and oliver let out the breath that he wasn't even aware he was holding. "thank god" he said rested his face in his hands. "which brings me back to what i was saying oli" harry spoke softly, placing a hand on oliver's shoulder. "he's your best friend. you can't ignore him forever." oliver sighed, "i know. but i don't even know if he's comfortable being around me anymore yanno? finding out that your best friend is gay, was keeping it from you and was also harbouring intense feelings for you in one night must be a lot to take in."

harry frowned. "don't be stupid oliver. peter doesn't care what you are. you could be a giant green fucking alien and he'd still care about you. he just wants his best friend back." oliver smiled at the dark haired boy just as the teacher walked through the door. harry was right, as always and oliver hated that but maybe it was time to start appreciating it.


author's note!
hello this was a shitty
chapter and i'm sorry.
there's gonna be more drama
soon so stick around lol.
hope you're enjoying it so
far [also there's only 10
chapters so you're halfway
through already *sigh*]

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