Whats Going On.

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RECAP: Jonathan an jacquees just hot back from giving Prince his ass whoppin an ray an roc just got home...

Jonathans house...

Your POV...

so I guess Jonathan and jacquees think im dumb... because I know what they was doing ... do I look that stupid? like my nigga(pause) really? but anyway lemme stop.


you:jacquees are you stayin a while or you leaving?

jac:well is it ok if I stay?

you:I dont care...

jac:ok ill stay...



Jonathan:baby ima take a nap.

you:ok ill be in the room in a little.

Jonathan:hurry up please.


Jonathan:(walks to room)

jac:so how has it been?

you:how has what been?

jac:you and h-him.

you:good(sits on counter)

jac:oh o-ok (watery eyes)

you:jac whats wrong?

jac:n-nothing (wipes his eyes)

you:jac theres something wrong what is it...

jac:(crying) nothing its whatever.

you:(grabs his hand an pulls him to you) jac whats goin on?

jac:yn I miss you...everyday I think about you... I know I messed up an everything but I just want one more chance... an when I see you kiss him an call him baby I get jealous I wish it was me....yn I love you... I really do... an that time I called you an you started cryin after that I cryed myself to sleep I miss you alot... I just want another chance please.. yn please?

you:jac what am I supposed to do I cant just break up with Jonathan...  I dont want you to be sad I really dont...

jac:can I have a chance tho?

you:jacquees I (gco)

jac:(kissing you with passion)

you:(kissing back)

jac:(still kissing you)

you:(brakes kiss)

jac:I-im so sorry.

you:no.. its ok...

jac:so is that a yes I can get another chance...

you:I have to talk it out with Jonathan wait here.



you:(walks to room)


you:why are you cryin?

Jonathan:(still crying)

you:jojo what happened?

Jonathan:I heard what you guys was saying.

you:im sorry Jonathan I really am (runs out room crying)

Jonathan:(not crying anymore) yn wait.

you:(runs to jac) c'mon lets go.

jac:what happened?

you:lets just go...

Jonathan:yn wait

you:(walks out door)

jac:(pulls off) what happened

you:(still crying) I walked in the room an he was cryin and I asked him w-why he was cryin and he didnt answer so I asked again then he said I heard eveything you guys was talking about so I just left...

jac:its ok

5minutes later you guys arrive at his house.

you:(walks in) ugh (runs to the bed)

jac:(gets on top of you) so what now?

you:(puts hands on face) I dont know.

jac:well can I just I get your mind off things?

you: if you can...

jac:oh I can.

you:ok try me.

jac:(kisses your chest) so what are we doin tomorrow?

you:I have a doctors appointment at 4.

jac:(kisses your neck) ok


jac:(takes your shirt off) so your cuts are all good?


jac:(kisses your stomach)

you:(licking lips)

jac:(takes his shirt off)

you:mmm s-so what are we gunna do?

jac:ima do the work an your gunna enjoys it.

you:(closes eyes)ok.

jac:(kisses you)


jac:(takes you pants off leaving you in your bra an underwear)mmm (takes his pants off)

you:come on jac...

jac:ok baby I got chu ...


jac:(puts his "manhood" in you) mmmm



Back at Rocs House.

ray:damn man I feel bad for prince but then again I dont...

roc:same here... I have a bad feeling about something.

ray:WHAT chu mean?

roc:like I think something bad happened to yn.

ray:like what?

roc:I dont know I cant seem to figure it out...


so what do you think roc is talking about?

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