The Bullet.

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RECAP: so you was riding the dirt bike and princeton starts shooting at you an then yall drove away an prince drove up next to you an he shot you in your leg...

Jacs House.

ray:so what are we gunna do?

Jonathan:man I dont even know.

asia:duh shouldnt we bring her to the hospital?

you:nah I cant fucks with the hospital... bring me inside an put me on the table.

Jonathan:ok (picks you up)

you:ray can you open the door?

ray:yeah (opens door)

you: give me a light an a needle... oh an uh (snaps) uh tweezers.

jac:Ight (runs to bathroom)

Jonathan:so what are you gunna do?

you:take the bullet out of my leg.

issa:WHAT THE FVCK... yoooo your a straight up OG.


jac:ight here(gives you stuff)

you:now I need a bright light....

jac:here (gives you a lamp type thing)


issa:I need to record this.

asia:you is always recording stuff.

Right then an there roc an jacob walked in..

roc:what happened?

jac:well she is gunna take the bullet out herself.

Jacob:my nigga you is a straight THUG.

you:thankx ... ok ima start

issa:wait (pushes record) ight go...

you:(takes tweezers and puts it in leg)mmmmmmmm What the fuck.

Jonathan:uhh I think ima throw up

you:jac move the light closer please.

jac:ight (moves it)

you:aaahh I got it (pulling it out) aaaahhhhh

roc:aww damn

you:(lays back on table in relief)

roc:what now.

you: now I gotta sew it up....

30minutes later your done sewing your leg up..

you:ight my good.. now I gotta go hook the bike back up.

issa:you just got shot, took the bullet out, sewed your leg up, and now you wanna hook the bike up???

roc:fareal you cant even walk my nigga...

you:I dont care thats my shit an im gunna take care of it... (opens door) one question....jac do you have a dirt bike?


you:well can you get it cuz them niggas stole my shit...


issa: daaamn they took ya dirt bike ?

you:yeah asia can you pass me my dirt bike shoes.

asia: yeah.. here (gives them to you)

you:(buckles the boots) ight I need somebody to come with me or all of yous to come with me...

jac:well I have enough dirt bikes for us...

you:ight so lets go (limbs to garage)

Jonathan:really baby?

you:I want my dirt bike back an ima shoot em up for shootin my leg...

Jonathan:I love you now lets go.

you: ight

jac:ight pick one.

you:I want the cherry red one.


you:(limbs to bike an gets on it.)

jac:yall good...

you: nope I gotta get my guns(walks back in house)


you:(walks back out with 7 guns)

issa:yo I fucking love this girl.

Jonathan: dont we all..

you:(places the guns in different places) ight lets go ima lead.

asia:ayyyye thats my bitch.

you:(blows kiss) boobooo.


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