Did That Just Happen?

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RECAP: you guys just got back from the mall an Jonathan bought you some shoes ...

At home...

Jonathan:uh (yn) its only 4:30 wanna go shop for our outfits tomorrow?

you:uh yeah ... so we goin now?

Jonathan:when ever...

you:ok lemme go put the bags in the room an ima tell jac...


you:(walks up the stairs) baby?


you:oh (puts bags down in your room) umm Jonathan is taking me shopping cause he wants to match tomorrow so we're gunna go buy some stuff ok?

jac:(looking away) mhmm ok

you:(looks at him) baby whats wrong why you acting like this?

jac:(still looking away) nothing im fine.

you:no your not... when I come home we are talking about this..


you:(walking downstairs)

Jonathan:what was that about?

You:ill tell you in the car...

In car...

Jonathan:so what happened?

you:he is just acting weird...cuz when I said you was taking me shopping he turned his head an didnt even look at me...


You: I dont know ... he might be jealous but I dout that...

Jonathan: well im here to keep your mind off things (smiling)

you:(teary eyed) thanx...

Jonathan:dont cry...(pulls in store parking lot)

you:I cant help it...

Jonathan:why tho?

You: cuz I feel like he doesn't even want me any more.

Jonathan:(wiping your face) just please dont cry I hate seeing people cry... especially the ones I love...

You:(looking at Jonathan) wait you love me?

Jonathan:yes I do... I always did.

You:(looking away)

Jonathan:(leaning towards you) please stop crying (kissing you)

You:(kissing back)

Jonathan:(pulls away) umm im sorry...

You:its whatever ...

Jonathan:now lets go get our clothes...


walking in the store.

Jonathan:ok so the shoes are purple an blue right?


Jonathan:ok I think we should wear a purple shirt...

you:with black pants.


You:ooh look (points to 2 shirts)

this one is a crop top an its purple an it says"Just" an the boy one says "Do It"

Jonathan: an the boy one is also purple... so yup we getting these.

You: an its gunna be hot so we should wear shorts.


10minutes later you guys go in the car...

Jonathan:ight lets go back home...


20minutes later..

At house...

you:(opens door) so you want the bags in your room?



issa:aye cupcake

You:hey green bean.

issa:(laughing) why you call me that?

You:cuz your eyes .

issa:oh ok..

You:uhh where is jac?

asia:in his room, he been in there every since you left...

You: what the hell but lemme go check on him...

asia:ok girl.

You:(walks up stairs) baby?(opens door)


You:baby whats wrong? (wiping his tears)

jac: I feel like you dont wanna be w-with me any more.

You:baby nobody said that...you know I wanna be with you.

jac:then why you always with Jonathan then?

You:cuz thats my friend an I havent seen him in along time... but still that has nothing to do with me not being with you.

jac:(lays on his back) ugh (puts hands on his face)

You:(climbs on top of him) baby please stop crying(takes jacs hands off his face) stop

jac:I cant.

You:(kisses him)

jac:(kissing back)

You:(bites his lip)

Jac:mmm (putting hands on your wasit)

You:you ok now?

Jac:yeah im good.

You:ok go wash your face an come down stairs ok?


You:(walks downstairs) woof I fixed him

asia:good ...now im hungry.


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