Bad News...

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RECAP: you went to jacs house cuz you was feeling some type of way... an now you about to go to your doctors appointment...

Next Day...

Jacs House...

you:can you drop me off please.


you:at my house.

jac:ight lets go...


jac:(walks to car)

you:(gets in)

jac:(pulls off)

20minutes later you go inside.

you:I got an hour to get ready

you do your hygiene thing an 30 minutes later your done.

you:ight its 4:40 ima just go now..(gets in car an pulls off)

15 minutes later you arrive at the doctors.


you:right here

Dr:(smiles) come right this way

you:(walks) ok (sits on bed thing)

Dr:so whats been goin on?

you:nothing umm I havent been feeling anything.

Dr: ok can you lift up your shirt please we are gunna do a ultrasound.

you:ok(lifts up shirt)

Dr:(rubs jelly on your stomach)

you:so whats goin on?

Dr:im sorry have you been poked or like stabbed with something sharp?

you:yess why?

Dr:well umm theres nothing there anymore...


Dr:im sorry yn but you have losted your baby.

you:(teary eyed) ummm well is there anything else?

Dr:nope you are all set to go.

you:thank you.

Dr:no problem..

you:(leaves an goes home)


At Home.

Jonathan:hey baby.(hugs you)

you:(puts head down crying)

Jonathan:baby whats wrong?

you:welll (sniffs)

Jonathan:come on its ok.

you:no no its not...


you:(crying harder) I-I lost the baby

Jonathan:(tear runs down his face)w-what

you:(runs to room)

Jonathan:(walks in room) how did you lose it ?

you: princeton.. when he did that shit to me....


Rocs House.

roc:yoo I cant get rid of this feeling.

ray:what feeling ?

roc: the feeling about yn... something bad happened to her .

ray: bro like what?

roc:I dont know ....

ray:(looks at door) somebody is here.


ray:(opens door) oh h-hey... whats wrong yn?

you:(crying) umm where is Prince?

prince:right here why?

you:(walks in) well remember that time you did that whole stabbing shit with the bottle to me.(evil look)

prince:(scared) y-yeah why?

you:(bulls up fist walking towards him)well I went to the doctors today... an welll (throws fist back an bangs the shit out of prince)

roc:what the hell?

ray:what happened yn?

you:(crys) I lost the baby because of him.

roc:(mouth drops) what (hugs you)


ray: damn.... but shhiiit she just did that Sharkeisha falcon punch on yo ass.


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