The Commitment Of A Fangirl

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"So... At least three fingers – one after one, slowly! - and a lot of scissoring motions?" Bobby repeated, cocking his head to the side like he didn't just hear an explicit explanation of gay sex. Soonji just blushed and nodded, but not without adding a clear "And lube. Lots, lots, lots of lube.". You gotta prepare that boy. No, she was talking about educating the boy so there won't be any rip- well, you also need that kind of preparation but she meant telling Jiwon about- she meant the preparation for the preparation. (Soonji made a mental note that if she was to ever resign, she would become a biology teacher – telling kids about how the wrestling thing works.)

Jiwon stared at the ground, eyes indicating that he was extremely concentrated. "Lube, fingers, scissors, condom, lube." Oh god. Soonji was such a pure virgin, she couldn't hear someone talking about sex so innocently! (Who was she kidding, her free time was filled with junk food and M-rated fanfictions. She was borderline about to suggest some positions.) When Jiwon finished remembering all the steps, he beamed at Soonji who legitimately fell down her chair. "Stop blinding me with your smile" she whined as she got up, rubbing her butt she had landed on. "Thank you, Miss Soonji!"

How can Jiwon, a freaking psychopath, be such a cutie?
-Girl, he killed people.
Don't you see his love for Kim Hanbin? My freaking ship is sailing with the wind of a fucking hurricane in its sails!
-Guess as sweet as the human flesh he eats as a cannibal.
Nobody's perfect, we all have our flaws, don't we?
-You used to regularly hear him scream about the voices in his head, Soonji.
If I'm right, you are also a voice in my head and I don't discriminate you for that.
- ...

She was too immersed in her conversation with the mysterious (fanfiction phenomen) voice in her head, so she didn't get how Jiwon was almost out of the door. She quickly yelled a goodbye to him – which was a bit not so innocent. "See you, Jiwon! ... And lift him up!" Bobby nodded, not quite understanding what she meant, and hurried to his room to see Hanbin.

I've been single for too long, she thought as she looked at her watch. "It's 12! The new episode is out!"


So while Jiwon was sleeping, cuddling with Hanbin as he did, Soonji finally was off her shift – just to walk to a convenience store, wearing her sweatpants and a black hoodie. She silently cursed (something she only did when she was in a really bad mood) under her breath as she walked through the streets of the rather big town. It was such a hassle, really. "Wasn't able to get coffee for the last 8 hours of night shift and what do I do? 'of course, Joosae, you can use the last filing. No, not at all, I'm completely okay with it.' My ass, why do I put myself into coffee-deprivation-situations?" Coffee-less Soonji was no joke.

So she finally walked into the store, ugly LED-lamps greeting her as the big clock at the entrance showed 4 am. "I should be sleeping or watching dramas. Heck, I still have to continue Stranger Things!" She muttered to herself as she went to the food section, knowing that she didn't have any grinded coffee beans left at home. Yawning, she got herself two packs of it and a cold coffee in those 'trying to be fancy' plastic cups. But as she went to go purchase the stuff, she passed the section she'd always label I don't need that shit because I'm single as hell. And it got her tired, 4-am-mind thinking. 'And lube. Lots, lots, lots of lube.' "How the fuck is he supposed to get it? Hanbin? That innocent cupcake would in no freaking way carry that with." She was trying to talk herself into buying it, thinking what kind of things she was doing for her ship. "Commitment, that's what I call commitment." So she quickly grabbed a bottle, blushing like crazy, and hurried to the register. And of course, there had to be a cute guy still looking perfect at the early morning shift sitting behind it.

And Soonji told herself to get over it, placing the items on the counter. The cashier scanned them all without a comment, until he got to the lube. "Excuse me, but could you please show me your ID?" Soonji closed her eyes, the guy hit a nerve. She was a baby face, she knew, okay? But she didn't look that young, come on!

"I am freaking 23, for your information. And aside from that: Since when do you need to be over 18 to buy lube?" She responded, sighing and opening her eyes. The guy smiled at her, but No-Coffee-Soonji was someone without patience. The words he said next were 'sweet', but they just plainly annoyed her. "Underage sex is often too rushed, you know. And I don't really think you're-"

That earned the cashier a glare that could kill. But instead of the anger outburst he expected, a whine passed past Soonji's lips. "Come on, this is so embarrassing for me! I'm buying this for a friend and I really want to get this over with... I just grabbed some money and left my wallet at home. So please!" The girl lifted her head a bit for the first time, and the cashier could now see her face properly. She had chubby cheeks (she was chubby herself), a button nose and small eyes that gave him a pleading glance. Her skin wasn't exactly perfect – there were a few zits and a lot of redness on her cheeks – and the shadows under eyes were on another level (nothing compared to her eye bags though). Let's just say Soonji wasn't looking her best.

But the cashier thought she was cute.

"I still can't give you the lube if you're under eighteen-"

"Let's google it." Soonji had already pulled out her phone and typed in the words, just to winningly show him the results. The guy didn't look at the phone though and instead stared at the grin that played on Soonji's lips – it was unbelievably cute and fluffy.

So he grabbed her phone and read through the text before typing something, not before asking for permission though. And he handed her the device back, sighing in defeat (and earning another grin from the girl) before she paid for her stuff and disappeared through the door, waving him goodbye.

As Soonji walked back to her small apartment, she giggled about the scenes of her nameless ship that day and how impossibly cute Jiwon had been. Curious about the time, she checked her phone – for it to be opened in the text messages. The contact name was... strange. There was a sentence typed in the white bar, unsent.

Jung Chanwoo (aka the cashier guy)

I like your smile

And right there, at her tiny apartment at 4:17 am, said smile crept on her lips.

A/N: I'm sorry this isn't a 'real' update, but Soonji deserves a man. Suggests your shipnames in the comments!

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