New Friend for Rosemarie

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''Rose,Rose!Wake up.'' '' Wake up''. I heard someone telling me to wake up.I groaned in annoyance.I realized that the person who was telling me to wake up was none other than......You guessed it right!My mother.''What is it momma'' I asked while rubbing my eyes with my fingers.I heard her say'So cute' Wait a second,She is not moving her lips at all.Does that mean that I have now gotten my telepathy powers''Momma I got my Telepathy'' I told her.

''Really Rose? Are you pulling a prank on me? I have mental shield so even if you did try to read my mind,You won't be able to''she said in a teasing way.''Of course I can Momma,I can prove it to you'' I looked at her and she thought,'We need to go Rose'.''You thought was,'We need to go Rose.' Right momma?Looks like my telepathy can go through a mental shield'' I too said in a teasing way as well.

She was shocked for a moment.''Momma'' ''yYes dear. Anyways,Like I was saying,our dear cousins have moved here from England.They are now our next door neighbours. I gave her a confused look and said,''How are they related to us?'' ''The father,Benjamin was a cousin of Carslie when he was human.Then he met another Hybrid named Ellie and they got married and had a daughter named Elizabeth.''

I was so happy. Another hybrid just like me and Renes! YAY.I was mentally overjoyed that I forgot that Momma was there.Momma broke the silence and said,''Rose Dear,Get dressed soon and come down to meet them Okay?In the meantime,I shall be telling the rest about your new power.And also,Nessie is already there so you do not have to bother to wake her kay?Bye Rose Dear'' And like that she gave a a bye and left.

I was so excited. What would she be like?What was her gift?What did she look like?Would she like me?Those types of thoughts filled her and she took a quick bath and changed quickly.She changed into a White top and Red skirt with Red ballerina shoes and she put her her into a fishtail braid.(the pics are all in the chapter,Pics for Chapter 5)

I rushed down the halls and onto the living room.I saw momma and Pappa said told me telepathically,'Good job,Now you are a mind reading freak just like me'.I pouted while he chuckled

Everyone congratulated me for now being  Telepathetic. I read their minds and all really were happy for me especially Renes.I smiled and my father introduced me to 3 people who looked to be my cousins he also said that they will be next door.I looked at the girl,who looked like 7,just like me.

Her mother spoke up,''Rosemarie,this is Elizabeth,Elizabeth Hiley Taylor.Eliz,This is Rosemarie. Rose Dear,I heard that your are telepathethic,can send others thoughts and telekenesis.Am I right?'' I nodded and she smirked and said,''This  is Elizabeth,she has mental shield,She can converse with people through thoughts and can see other's past.' I told Eliza telepathically,''Let's be good friends,Eliza''.She replied''i do not wish to make friend with you,you almost killed your mother during birth' I said,'Well,did'nt you too?' 'No my mother was born a Hybrid alread so it was no problem.'

Her mother sighed and told me,''She can be mean sometimes.But please understand her.She is not very good at making friends.'' ''Rosemarie,Renesmee, why don't you play outside with Eliz'' A man who I assumed is his father said.''Okay!'' me and Renes both replied at the same time.

We both took Eliza to our backyard Renes said,''Why are you so cold to us?What did we do?'' Eliza sighed before saying,''I do not hate you dear cousins.I am just very angry at the fact that you almost killed your mother,For your mother IS the most important person in the world'' ''We did not mean to almost kill her'' said Renes.''How.Prove that.''She said.I said,''Well Eliza you CAN read other's past,Renes can just touch you and you can hear her thoughts since she was a baby.But you can read my past.'' Then she immediatly touched Rene's hands and said,''S-Sorry Renes,I mean......Can I call you that?'' ''sure'' was Rene's reply.Then she looked at me.I thought that she was looking right through my soul(In this book Hybrids have souls) and said,''Same goes for you Rosemarie I am so sorry.'' ''No worries.You can call me Rose.'' Then after that we all played together.

No one's POV

After the girls have left. Eliie Said,''Since they are twins,Rose Dear will remain 18 after 7 years and Nessie Dear will remain 17 after 7 years. in New years,Nessie will be around 9 and Rose will be around 10.The same as Eliza.Next year,you can let Rose go to 4th grade and Nessie to 3rd grade Eliza will also be going to the same school as them.What do you say?'' Everyone nodded in response.

Then the girls came in,'' So I can see that you were able to melt Eliza's Frozen first at sight heart huh?'' We all laughed and Edward told them about the idea.They were all very excited. Edward spoke up,''Anyways,Nessie will be turning 9 soon whereaes Rose and Eliz will be turning 10 very soon.So you have to go shop for some clothes.It's still only 6:00am so go and eat breakfast.After that you will be going shopping with Jacob

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