Ch. 4

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Jesy's POV

I ran to Perrie's unconscious body. I had no idea what so ever of what to do.

 "Do I run and get the others?"

" How did this even happen?"

" Who killed her?"

 "Why?" I asked myself.

  I know I hated the girl ... But I burst out crying uncontrollably. I don't know. It just came over me. When you walk up to find someone dead, even if you hate their guts, it's terrifying thing to see.

 As soon as Leigh and Jade heard me crying they sprinted up the stairs. When they found me bawling over Perrie's body. They stood in complete silence.

 I think I just saw a tear roll down Jade's face. 

Leigh didn't know what to do. I could tell she was about to break down at any given moment.  

"Why?" She began to bawl as I assumed she would. She looked at Perrie's body and cried again "Why?" "Who did this?" Leigh cried. 

Jade collapsed onto the floor next to Perrie's body. She was sobbing. "Why?  Who would do such an awful thing?" She sobbed some more.  

Leigh turned her sadness into an anger I haven't seen before.  "Who would do this? Why her!?"  She screamed loudly.  

"I don't know Leigh, I don't know." I responded. I think my response might have calmed her down a little.  Probably not.

"Who would do this?" Leigh cried out again.  

Jade responded this time. "I don't know who would, or why a person would do such an awful thing to her!"  

"Some people are horrendously awful." I responded back to Jade.  

We were all still shocked as too what just happened. We didn't know what to do. 

Should we call 999? 

Should we call her parents?  

"Lets call 999." Leigh spoke up tracing her fingers down Perrie's cold arm.  

"Okay.." I replied. I dialed the number.

"999, What's your emergency?"  The Operator spoke.  

"My friend was just shot and stabbed to death."  I trembled, almost crying when the words left my mouth.

 "Okay, where are you ma'am?" I gave him the correct address.  

"Okay I have an ambulance coming your way. Don't worry and stay calm. I'm terribly sorry for your loss."  

"Thank you.." I said as I ended the call.

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