Ch. 8

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Jesy's POV

We have been down in the waiting room as we had been told to stay seated. We heard the first scream that sounded like Perries but ignored it. But we didn't stay attached to our seats any longer when we heard another very terrifying scream. Jade is still missing, I thought to myself. I didn't want Leigh-Anne to be worried anymore.. I informed her quickly about Jade's disappearance. We got up and raced down the hall to the left into the hospital stalls. The last place Jade was headed too. We barged in there. On the floor laid Jade weeping. She's covered with blood. Leigh shrieks and runs over to her. The mirror is shattered onto the floor. Horror is running down my veins. Glass is shattered every where in the area. What could have happened, I think to myself, my sweaty palm over my mouth.

"What's wrong!" I shriek running over to them as well.

"I don't know!" Jade cries gasping for air.

"Jesy go bring help!" Leigh says holding Jade closely to her as if she were her mother.

"Okay.." I say softly getting up to call for a doctor.

I only hear Jade whispering something to Leigh. Poor Jade sounds terrified. 

I close the bathroom door quietly running over to find someone to help. I see a nurse walking into my direction I can tell she's a nurse by what she's wearing, White uniform, and a tagged clip right on her chest with her name on it. Sia.

"Excuse me!" I wave my arms at her, "I need some urgent help."

As the words tumble out my arm her smile fades and she rushes towards my direction.

"What's the matter?" She questions quickly.

"My-my friend I don't what happen she has severe cuts on her, she's covered in blood!!" I begin to stutter an explanation of why I need help.

"Mhm." She says, "Where is your friend?" She asks me slowly as if she weren't quite believing my story.

"Sh-She's in the bathroom!' I shout pointing over where the bathroom is at. "Come help, please!"

"Okay, okay!" She says shaking me to reality, "Let me call for assistance!" She says while calling over people to help.

We walk over to the bathroom where the three other people find Leigh and Jade crying violently in each others arms. They pick Jade up and take her to get check up and have her cuts examined. They seat us back into the same area where we are now waiting on news for Perrie and Jade. Why was this happening now? Why all at once.

"What happened with Jade?" I ask quietly over to Leigh-Anne,

"She was scared, worried, anxious for the news on Perrie so she went to the bathroom to be alone. She thought someone else in all black entered in the bathroom she was scared she punched the mirror that was reflecting the persons image. She was scared she didn't know how to react." She tells me as she picks at the ends of her hair.

I take it all the new information down and slump back into the seat. I wipe my tear stain cheeks and try waiting patiently for any news.

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