Anyone can be friends....right?

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P.S. : I'm not gonna apologize for what I say here just coz it's my book and its the truth. *hair flip*

Yeah! Anyone, I mean literally anyone, can be friends.

Don't judge people by the type of company they keep. You don't know their story as to why they're keeping such company.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't have great friends. You should. It's just that you should take some time to identify your true friends first, or else it'll all go spiralling down the drain.

One thing that annoys me to no end, however, (and this is still kinda a more or less popular belief at my place and some other countries) that a girl can only have girls as BFFs and a boy can only have boys get the drift. If a similar relation is seen between a girl and a boy, it gets fast-tracked to a girlfriend-boyfriend status.

Like, really? People can be so shallow. And a guy and a girl can talk to each other without exchanging saliva, to be honest.

So, seriously, stop shipping random guys and random girls together just because they exchange a few words.


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