A Darn Annoyance

19 9 15

So, there is a guy in my class, who has been irritating me for over a bloody year. Irritating as in calling me names and insulting me because of my personality or my surname, and it has gotten to the point where it can be called bullying, but I have no clue why. The worst part is, the entire class laughs at his jokes and insults.
Like you'd be laughing on the other side of your mouths if it was you in my place.

Just today, he shouted a question at me just before our Maths class. While I didn't hear the question thanks to the zoo that is our class, but based on the grins that the people sitting near him, I thought, "This can't be good." Thankfully, before I could react, our Maths teacher started teaching us and so I was spared from the embarrassment of a lifetime. ( I really am the SHSL Luckster! :3 )

Now, when I told this to one of my friends, she came up with two theories :-

1. The guy is a certified weirdo and jerk and the best thing for me to do would be to ignore him (which I still do to this date and will for eternity)

2. The guy.............likes me and is attracted to me. He is trying to cover it up by insulting me as much as he could in a day. (Officially gross, like *ugh*)

She especially went on and on with the second theory for her own entertainment and especially because she loved getting me embarrassed since like I always say, I don't land any guys because of my 24x7 poker face and shyness / apparent arrogance.

I officially hate this theory of hers. Plus, I don't think he likes me anyway or else he wouldn't have insulted my friend either. Why would he? I'm genuinely not that charming or pretty or smart or anything. I'm just me. An average, ordinary, stupid teen. The idea of anyone falling for me is so......bloody dumb.

Anyway, I guess I'll just have to wait and see. And again, the mere thought of him falling for me is, again, ew.

Do tell me if you've experienced similar situations, so that I can feel better about myself.

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