2. Don't Mock Paige

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Here's chapter two! I hope you like it! Vote comment, become a fan! Enjoy!



"Benjamin Anthony Mello! If your butt isn't in my car in 60 seconds, I swear to god, I will leave without you!" I yelled up the stairs. I don't know how it takes that boy so long to get ready for school. He gets up an hour before me, and I'm still done before he is, and I have to take a shower, blow dry my hair, straighten my hair, pick out my outfit, hate what I chose, pick a new outfit, love that one, search though my 50 some odd pairs of shoes, put on a little makeup, not too much, but just enough, eat breakfast, make sure all my stuff is in my bag, warm up my car, and still have time to call and make sure Emma is wearing something fabulous! I mean, really, if I didn't know how many girls that boy has been with, I'd think he was gay.

"Coming, coming, coming...," He said as he ran down the stairs, full speed, grabbed his bag, and headed to the garage. The boy is lucky he's fast. We flew down the highway in complete silence. The only sound was the splash of my tires through puddles left over from last night's storm.

"God Ben!" I yelled. If he hadn't been wearing a seatbelt, he would've jumped threw the roof of my car, "Nice cologne, must you bathe in it?" I was dead serious, but he found this statement amusing. "How the hell is that funny? I just insulted you!" He just shook his head as we pulled into the school's parking lot.

As I pulled into a space next to Tyler's Jeep and turned off the ignition, my favorite boy in the whole world sat on the hood of my car. Now, had anyone else other than Zack done that, their family would be searching for headstones, but I love Zack, so I just slapped him playfully.

"Hey Babe." He said, getting off my car, and giving me a hug.

"Hey Zackie,' I said, hugging him back. Now, to an outsider, this would look like Zack and me were together, but alas, we are not. He's just my Best Friend since preschool. He came a year before Carlie, and 2 before Emma. So, as much as I've always wanted to be with him, I'm just Paige to him.

"Emma!" I squealed, running at the idling red Chevy.

"Paige!" she said in the same voice as I had. I threw a pebble at her.

"No, bad, we do not mock Paige!" I told her, and we laughed. We walked into the school. Her first class was biology and mine was social studies. Since they're across the hall form each other, we always walk together.

"Class starts in 3 minutes, so we should get in there" I said.

"yeah, your right."

"Bye Ella Bella Ballerina!" I giggled at the name me and Carlie had called her when we were 7, to make fun of the fact her dad calls her Bella (because it's Italian for beautiful) and how clumsy she is. She laughed to.

"Bye Paige, see you after class." She walked into Mr. Banner's room.

I went into class, doing the 'Wizard of Oz' skipping thing. Some of the other kids laughed.

Since today was a half day, thank god, we don't have biology today. So, my Social Studies teacher, Mr. Something-or-other, told us our campout partners. He stood up in front of the class.

"Howdy Partners," he said in a lame, fake southern accent, Zack's was way hotter than that, and his was real, "I'm going to tell you your partners for the campout!" really? you told us this yesterday smart one "ok, so, we have, Mia and Nick, Burooj and Adam, Maxx and Lexie, Andrea and Abby, Sam and Kenzie, Paige and Zack, Leah and Aly, and Natalia and Damon. Got it? Good. Now, moving on...,"

I was so happy that I'd be sharing a tent with Zack. I was practically bouncing in my seat. I cant wait to tell Emma, she's the only one who knows of my secret crush on Zackie. I looked at the clock. 8:24. 1 more minute; 45 more seconds; 30 seconds; 15 seconds; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...pringgggg!!! I grabbed my books and raced out the down. 1 class down, 2 to go, then I get to kidnap Zack for lunch!


As I walked out, I saw my brother's arms wrapped around Emma's waist. A look of horror on Mimi's face, I could see her behind them. But really, had my brother finally asked her out? 'Cause, you know, it's not like he hasn't wanted to since the 6th grade! I could tell my eyes had that happy, bouncing sparkle in them when they both saw me and said no at the same time. They laughed, and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you say..."

"Come on Paige, Lets get to Gym." Emma pulled my arm. We headed to the locker room. I pulled out a bright orange tank top, an electric blue Adidas jacket , black shorts, and some old black converse and started to change. As she pulled on her less fashionable old tee shirt and yoga pants and pulled her long brown hair into a ponytail, I told her while mimicking her hair style with my own shoulder length strawberry blonde waves, "you do know he has a shrine of you in the crawl space in his closet, right?"

She looked at me and rolled her eyes, "Whatever you say..."

I threw my bracelet at her, "What did I say about mocking Paige!?!"


Paige's outfit:


Emma's outfit:


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